Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Will of Susannah Blake, widow, Faversham, Kent - The National Archives PROB 11/1745/320, probated 22 Sep 1828

There was a marriage for Susanna Collier to Caleb Blake 29 Nov 1767 at Faversham, Kent.

Isaac Topping Packman married Sarah Mary Blake 21 Feb 1790 at Faversham, Kent.

No other pertinent information located.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 19 Jan 2020
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1745/320
Testator: Susannah Blake, widow
Place: Faversham, Kent
Type of Record:    Will
Date of document: 14 Nov 1827, probated 22 Sep 1828

[Margin]: Susannah Blake 12

1    This is the last Will and Testament of me
2    Susannah Blake of the Town of Faversham in the County of Kent Widow made
3    and published this fourteenth day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand
4    eight hundred and twenty seven I do hereby revoke and make void all former and
5    other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and of this my last Will and
6    Testament do hereby nominate constitute and appoint Edward Crow of Faversham
7    aforesaid, Watchmaker and David Jones of Faversham aforesaid Gentleman joint
8    executors I do hereby will and direct that all my just debts and funeral and
9    Testamentary expences shall in the first place be fully paid and satisfied I do
10    hereby give and bequeath all my furniture household goods and implements of
11    household plate linen china and all other my personal estate and others what
12    soever and wheresoever and of what nature of kind soever this same may be
13    whereof I shall die possessed (except my ready money securities for money and
14    money upon mortgage or in the public stocks of funds) unto my daughter Sarah
15    Mary Packman the wife of Isaac Topping Packman of Langdon hills in the
16    County of Essex Gentleman her executors administrators and assigns absolutely
17    for ever And as to all my ready money and securities for money money upon mortgage
18    belonging to me (at the time of my decease I give and bequeath the same
19    every part thereof unto the said Edward Crow and David Jones their ex[ecut]ors
20    and Administrators upon trust that they or the survivor of them his
21    executors or administrators do and shall stand and be possessed thereof
22    and urge to shall collect receive and get in the same or any part
23    thereof and do and shall lay out and invest the same upon interest upon
24    government real or other good and valuable securities and also from time
25    to time call in alter vary and change the same or any part thereof as they or
26    the survivor of them his executors or administrators shall see occasion and
27    shall and do pay and apply the interest dividends or annual proceeds thereof as
28    the same shall from time to time come in and be received by them unto and
29    for the sole and only separate use and benefit of my said daughter Sarah
30    Mary Packman for and during the term of her natural life and I do declare
31    that the several bequests by me hereinbefore made to my said daughter Sarah Mary
32    Packman are to be to and for her own separate use and benefit independent of her
33    said husband and not be subject to the control debts or intermediary and for that
34    purpose I do hereby also declare that her receipt alone notwithstanding her coverture
35    shall from time to time be a sufficient discharge and discharges to my said Trustees
36    for the same rightes hereinbefore directed to be paid or given to her and from and immediately after the decease than upon trust that
37    they the said Edward Crow and David Jones and the survivor of them his exors
38    or administrators do and shall pay assign and transfer the said principal money and
39    every part thereof and also the stocks funds and securities in or upon which the
40    same shall be invested unto and amongst all and every the child and children of
41    my said daughter Sarah Mary Packman as shall be living at the time of my
42    decease equally to be divided between them share and share alike and their
43    several and respective executors administrators and assigns absolutely to and for
44    their own separate use and benefit and I do hereby declare that they my said
45    executors their executors or administrators or any of them shall not be
46    charged or chargeable with or accountable for any more of the said trust
47    monies and premises then what they shall actually receive by virtue of the
48    trusts aforesaid nor with or for any loss which shall happen in or to the same or
49    in execution of the trusts aforesaid or otherwise so as such loss happen without
50    their or either of their willful default nor one of them for the other of them
51    but each of them only for his own acts deeds receipts disbursements and defaults
52    notwithstanding their or either of them joining in any act or receipt for the
53    sake of conformity and also that it shall and may be lawful to and for them
54    my said Executors and each of them their and each of their executors and
55    administrators in the first place by and out of the said trust estate monies
56    premises to deduct retain and reimburse themselves and himself respectively all or
57    such loss costs charges damages and expences as they or either or any of them
58    shall sustain expend or which shall or may be to them or any of them
59    occasioned for or by reason of the trusts so exposed in them or in the
60    maintenance or execution thereof or any thing in any wise relating thereto
61    together with a suitable and proper allowance for their journies trouble and
62    loss of time in and about the same trusts In witness whereof I the said
63    Susannah Blake the Testatrix have to this my last Will and Testament
64    contained in this and the preceding sheet of paper set and affixed my hand and
65    seal to wit my hand to the preceding sheet of paper and my hand and seal to
66    this last sheet thereof the day and year above written Susannah Blake
67    signed sealed published and declared by the said Susannah Blake the
68    testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us
69    and in her presence at the request and in the presence of each other have
70    hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto The mark X of Maria
71    Herd Servant to Mrs Blake____Trell Green Shepherd
72    Proved at London 22nd Septr 1828 before the Judge by the oath of David Jones one
73    of the Executors to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn by comon duly to
74    admin Power reserved to Edward Crow the other Exeor

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