Monday, March 2, 2020

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2020

 Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter

Table of Contents
1.    Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
2.    Will of William Pincombe, 1812
3.    North Molton Parish Records (Part 15)

1.    Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies

These Pincombe Charts were created by the two researchers in the original One-name-study at the Guild of one-name-studies. I reprint them with the thought in mind that others could add to the knowledge of these charts. I have reworked some of them and will publish that information when complete. I am publishing Chart 13 – Stepney-Holborn-Hendeon-Croydon in this issue. This is another Chart that I have done some work on plus I have information from a Pincombe descendant who corresponded with one of the original researchers Dr Richard Pinkham. He shared all of his correspondence with me including anything that he submitted. Any comments, corrections, additions to this chart known by any of my readers is much appreciated. I am looking forward now to updating this information to pass on to another researcher.

The link for the original chart (image above): 

Ideally, I will use the information which I received from Richard Phillips to discuss this chart. It is interesting that the Will of William Pincombe discussed below should coincide with Chart 13. It was unintentional on my part. Richard Phillips’ ancestor was Arthur Pincombe baptized 26 Dec 1761 at Roborough by Torrington and son of Arthur Pincombe and Agnes Heard who themselves were married 19 Jun 1750 at Roborough by Torrington. This Arthur Pincombe was baptized 28 Aug 1727 at Roborough by Torrington the son of John Pincombe and Mary Peardon (married 28 Oct 1726 at Roborough by Torrington). All dates were verified with the original images on Find My Past. As you read through the will below and the comments you will see the relationship between these two lines.

Richard Phillips sent me a CD with 131 files; all of his Pincombe-Pinkham research. I did extract some material at the time but publishing these charts has brought me back to these files once again. There was one particular letter that I had forgotten and it was between Richard Pinkham MD and Richard Phillips and Richard Pinkham mentions his ancestry in this particular letter. I never corresponded with Richard Pinkham. I discovered reading these letters that his eyesight was failing him in the early 1990s and by the time I arrived on the scene it was already fourteen years later and I think he was in his late 80s in the early 1990s. But Richard identified his 4x great grandfather as John Pincomb (baptized 10 Mar 1728) and a brother to Arthur Pincombe who was baptized 28 Aug 1727. Looking at Chart 4, Arthur and John were the sons of John Pincombe and Mary Peardon who had married 28 Oct 1726 at Roborough. Richard then mentioned his great grandfather was Richard Pincombe (1831-1913) (baptized 20 Mar 1831 at Roborough son of William and Ann Pincombe) and married to Maria Pyke 31 Mar 1861 at Torrington. Chart 4 traces that particular Richard back to his parents William Pincombe and Ann Winson who married 13 Oct 1830 at Roborough. All of these dates in the paragraph above this line were verified on Find My Past. William was baptized 25 Dec 1799 son of George Pincombe and Grace Page who were married 7 Nov 1790 at Roborough. These dates in the preceding sentence were repeated on Ancestry but no images available. George was baptized 24 Feb 1766 at Roborough and was the son of John Pincombe (baptized 10 Mar 1728) and Elizabeth married circa 1760 at Roborough. I was not able to verify this information other than finding it as entries on Family Search. Richard Pinkham MD also mentions that it was his grandfather William (1861-1938) (baptized 25 Dec 1861 at Great Torrington son of Richard Pincombe and Maria Pyke) who changed the spelling of his name to Pinkham). These two men shared their 5x great grandparents making them sixth cousins. I have not yet found mention of that.

At a later date I will redraw these charts with all the new information that I have acquired and they will be electronic. It is perhaps a challenge that I should take on with the Pincombe project and will consider what other elements I want to pass on to another researcher when I step down. As well I will give copies to both the Guild of one-name Studies and the Society of Genealogists. I continue as a member of both groups.

These tables represent many years of work at the record offices by the two original Pincombe-Pinkham family researchers and Richard Pinkham was a physician and able to make contact with some of the Pincombe families living in Devon. The names seen on these charts usually in the top corners are individuals who provided information for that particular chart. In the case of charts from the United States, Galen Pinkham has contributed a great deal of information to the descendants of the Pincombe/Pinkham family and this information can be found on the charts which he produced. I do remind other researchers that there are discrepancies in these charts and I would appreciate knowing of any that you may find so that eventually a corrected chart will be published.

2.    Will of William Pincombe 1812

Recorded: 27 Oct 2011
Source: Inland Revenue Wills - p 886
Place: Beaford, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 6 Apr 1811, Probated 2 Jan 1812
Presentation: four pages - Original will (2 pages) and Probate (1 page)

1    This is the last Will and Testament of me William Pincombe
2    of Beaford in the County of Devon Yeoman First I Give and Bequeath unto Sarah my wife
3    during the Term of her Natural Life one third Part of the Issues and Profits arising from all
4    that my Messuage and Tenement called or known by the Name of late Alfords situate in the
5    Parish of Saint Giles in the said County I also Give and Bequeath unto my said wife during
6    the Term of her natural Life All that my Leasehold Messuage and Tenement to consist
7    of a House Garden and Orchard commonly known by the Name of the Lower House being that of a Tenement called Wayhouse  situate
8    in the parish of Beaford aforesaid Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary
9    one other third Part of the Issues and Profits arising from the above mentioned Tenements
10    during my Right and Interest therein now depending on the Lives of Mary How the
11    wife of Thomas How of Alverdiscott in the said County Yeoman and Sarah my wife And
12    on the Death of my said wife my Will and Desire is and I hereby give and Bequeath unto my
13    said Daughter Mary two third Parts being the Remainder of the Issues and Profits arising
14    from the above named Tenements during the Life of the said Mary How I also Give and
15    Bequeath unto my said Daughter Mary after the Death of her Mother the said Messuage
16    and Tenement called the Lower House during her natural Life if my Interest so long
17    continue therein And after her Decease I Give and Bequeath the same Lower House
18    with the appurtenances unto my Daughter Sarah during all my Right and Interest thereon
19    and she to have receive and enjoy all the Rights Privileges Profits and Incomes from thenceforth
20    as her Sister Mary had before her And in case of Nonpayment by my Executors
21    hereafter named of any or either of the above mentioned Issues and Profits to my said wife
22    and Daughters or either of them on any part thereof That then my said Wife and Daughters
23    or either of them shall and may enter and distrain on the said Tenements and sell the
24    same or any part of the Goods and Chattels therein for so much as shall be due to her
25    or them and the serplus to pay back again to my Executors I Give and Bequeath unto
26    my Daughter Mary One Pound per Annum and unto my Daughter Sarah five Pounds per Annum to be paid out of the Profits arising from
27    Weyhouse with a like Power of Distress and Sale in case of Nonpayment as above specified
28    All the Rest Residue and Remainder of my Goods and Chattels Rights and Credits
29    I give to the Use only of my Sons Richard William and John they paying and discharging
30    all my Debts Legacies and Funeral Expences And I hereby nominate constitute and appoint
31    my said Sons Richard William and John Executors of this my Last Will and Testament
32    hereby revoking and making void all wills by me at any time heretofore made and declare
33    this only to be my last Will and Testament And I hereby appoint John Cox of Roborough
34    Yeoman and Thomas How of Alverdiscott Yeoman Trustees to superintend the education of
35    my younger Sons William and John In Witness whereof I the said William Pincombe
36    the Testator have unto this my last Will and Testament set my hand and seal this sixth
37    Day of April one thousand eight hundred and eleven
38    W[illia]m Pincombe [signed] [sealed]
39    Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said
40    William Pincombe the Testator as and for his last Will
41    and Testament (the words "and Bequeath" other "Theirs"
42    Being first interlined) in the Presence of us who at his Request in his
43    presence and in the Presence of each other have subscribed our
44    Names as Witnesses thereto
45    Rob[er]t Wilson Jun[ior]
46    Mary Banten [signed]
47    Whereas I William Pincombe of Beaford in the County of Devon Yeoman did on
48    about the sixth day of April one thousand eight hundred and eleven publish my Last Will
49    and Testament in writing Now my will and Desire is and I hereby request and direct that
50    in case my wife should think proper to reside in Way House that she shall have an
51    particle of a sort of the Household Furniture therein at the time of my Decease for her
52    own use without any Molestation whatsoever And I hereby direct that this may be
53    taken as a Codicil to my said Will and to be annexed thereto and a part thereof be
54    Witness whereof I the said William Pincombe have to this my said Codicil to be annexed
55    unto my said last Will and Testament and to be taken as part thereof my hand and
56    Seal this third day of June one thousand eight hundred and eleven
57    W[illia]m Pincombe [signed] [sealed]
58    Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said William Pincombe the Testator
59    as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in our Presence; who in his Presence
60    and in the presence of each other have subscribed our Names and Witnesses thereto
61    Rob[er]t Wilson Jun[ior] [signed]
62    Mary Banten [signed]
63    W[illia]m Pincombe wishes to have it mentioned that should Mrs. Pever come to want
64    (which at present there is no probability of) that not only the Laws of Nature but the
65    Laws of England will in such an Event oblige her Son Richard to maintain her.
66    This is inserted in order to give Mrs. Pincombe satisfaction
67    by R Wilson [signed]
68    This and the foregoing sheet of Paper contain a true Copy of  the last Will
69    and Testament of the said William Pincombe deceased having been compared thus
70    this 5th day of Apr 1812
71    James Pearse Jun[io]r N[otar]y Public
72    No.
73    For the Stamp Office
74    Copy of the Will of
75    William Pincombe
76    late of Beaford Devon Yeoman
77    Executors
78    Richard Pincombe William Pincombe
79    and John Pincombe of Beaford
80    foresaid sons of the deceased
81    No. 2 REG NR B 12
82    FOL 209 H T
83    Proved in the Archdeaconial Court
84    of Barnstaple, Devon 2 Jan[ua]ry 1812
85    Effects under 300£
86    James Pearse Jun[io]r Reg[iste]r
87    Barnstaple Devon
88    12 Folios at 6 ... 6
    [P. 886 in margin]

First a little background on Alverdiscott (also known as Alscott) is a village/parish five miles (eight kilometres) SE of Bideford. The Parish Registers commenced in 1602 for baptisms and marriages and in 1612 for burials. William Pincombe was buried the 14th of July 1811 at Beaford. Discovering his parentage did not prove to be an easy task. There are a number of William Pincombe baptisms in this particular area within a reasonable time frame. The loss of the many wills in the bombing of the Exeter Record Office has made it much more difficult to trace some of these lines. Plus this particular William does not appear to be on the Charts produced by the earlier study. Trying to follow the name of the tenement did not lead to any new information; it is not a listed British Building.

Using the excellent Genuki webpages for Devon (I have made some contributions there), I continued hunting for information on the Pincombe family in the Beaford area.

There was a Philip Pincombe at Alverdiscott who signed the Devon and Exeter Oath Rolls in 1723. At Beaford, Stephen Pincombe of Swimbridge, Hugh Pincombe of Landkey, Thomas Pincombe of Bishop’s Nympton and William Pincombe of Bishop’s Nympton signed the same Oath Roll. Thomas and Hugh signed with the letter “P” and William also made a mark with Stephen signing his name (QS17/2/2/13 (1)). John Pincombe of Langtree signed (QS17/2/2/9a (16)). In total there were four documents signed at Beaford with just two of them including the surname Pincombe or Pincomb.

The Freeholders Index (1711-1799) for Alverdiscott had nine documents and no members of the Pincombe/Pincomb/Pinkham family listed. The Freeholders Index for Beaford had eight documents and no members of the Pincombe/Pincomb/Pinkham family listed but at Langtree a Pinkcombe, yeoman listed and one could surmise from the list above this would likely be John Pincombe of Langtree (QS17/2/2/9a (16)).

The Devon Wills Index has an Anthony Pincombe (probate 1715) at Beaford. Arthur Pincombe is also listed with a probate year of 1728 at Beaford. Mary Pincombe in 1729 at Beaford. William Pincombe in 1812 at Beaford. A little luck perhaps with that as there is a marriage between William Pincombe and Sarah Alford at Beaford the 29th July 1788. The residence for the groom is given as Roborough and for the bride as Beafford.

Using this information and Find My Past I will now attempt to discover more about the testator William Pincombe as well as    Anthony, Arthur and Mary Pincombe. Since William Pincombe, the testator, has a married daughter in 1811 then William and Sarah were perhaps married in the 1780s-early 1790s or earlier.

William Pincombe, the testator, identifies his wife Sarah, his daughters Mary How (married to Thomas How) and Sarah, and his sons Richard, William and John.

Baptisms at Beaford:

Mary Pincombe baptized 2 Oct 1788 daughter of William and Sarah Pincombe
Sarah Pencombe baptized 13 Jan 1793 daughter of William and Sarah Pencombe
John Pincombe baptized 22 Jan 1804 son of William and Sarah Pincombe
Thomas Pincombe baptized 8 Apr 1806 son of William and Sarah Pincombe; buried 15 Apr 1808 (not stated as a child but priest seemed to reference only infants and Thomas would have been 2 years of age)

Baptisms at Roborough:

Richard Budd Pincombe baptized 29 Dec 1790 son of William and Sarah Pincombe

I did not locate a baptism for William Pincombe the other son mentioned in the will. Remembering that in the marriage registration it was stated that the groom was of Roborough it is perhaps not surprising that the eldest son could be baptized there. But the middle name of Budd is a surprise. But I did note that there was a Richard Burd buried at Beaford in 1800.

Looking once again at the Pincombe charts created by the earlier researchers, There is a William Pincombe baptized 20 Jun 1756 (correct on Chart 4 but incorrect on Chart 5) who married Sarah (this William being of Roborough (the baptism can be located on Find My Past) and son of Mary Pincombe baptized 5 October 1731 (verified on Find My Past)    daughter of John Pincombe (baptized 21 Jul 1700) and married to Mary Peardon 26 Oct 1726 at Roborough (does not agree with Chart but found on Find My Past)). No children are listed on Chart 5 (Beaford-Roborough-Ramsgate published in Volume 3, Issue 3 of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter)) for William and Sarah. The parents of John Pincombe married to Mary Peardon were Arthur Pincombe married to Mary Stabledon 31 Jul 1686 at Beaford (incorrect on chart (found on Find My Past)). An Arthur Pincombe was listed on the Devon Genuki Wills Index in 1728 at Beaford.

I leave it with the reader to decide if this is a reasonable line of descent.

3.    North Molton Parish Records (Part 15)

These baptismal records are transcribed from the fiche of the original Parish Records for North Molton, Devon. I have changed the orientation of the newsletter to make it easier to publish the transcriptions for North Molton directly from my Excel file.

      #         Surname      Forename          status        Fathers surname Fathers forename Mothers surname Mothers forename Year Month Day Details
3700    Viccarye    William    son    Viccarye    William        Margrett    1670    Nov    20   
3701    Viccarye    John    son    Viccarye    Christopher        Joane    1670    Nov    28   
3702    Alline    Elizabeth    daughter    Alline    Thomas        Eliza    1670    Dec    11   
3703    Burges    Jane    daughter    Burges    Phillip        Jane    1670    Dec    11   
3704    Moale    William    son    Moale    Michaell        Susan    1670    Dec    20   
3705    Abbott    Joane    daughter    Abbott    Robert        Jane    1670    Jan    10   
3706    Kingdon    Hugh    son            Kingdon    Thomazine    1670    Jan    15   
3707    Squyre    John    son    Squyre    John        Joane    1670    Jan    24   
3708    Bright    Katherine    daughter    Bright    Danyell        Mary    1670    Jan    24   
3709    Lawdye    Henry    son    Lawdye    Richard        Susan    1670    Feb    14   
3710    Squire    William    son    Squire    William        Elizabeth    1671    Mar    26   
3711    Seller    Margarett    daughter    Seller    Abednego        Mary    1671    Apr    13   
3712    Stephens    Joane    daughter    Stephens    John        Prudence    1671    Apr    25   
3713    Gould    Anne    daughter    Gould    John        Anne    1671    May    9   
3714    Millton    Christopher    son    Millton    Hugh        Anne    1671    May    23   
3715    Gould    Grace    daughter    Gould    Philip        Grace    1671    Jul    9   
3716    Gould    Henry    son    Gould    William        Thomazin    1671    Aug    6   
3717    Treble    George    son    Treble    William        Elizabeth    1671    Sep    6   
3718    Gould    George    son    Gould    George        Grace    1671    Sep    17   
3719    Locke    Joane    daughter    Locke    George        Joane    1671    Sep    19   
3720    Evans    George    son    Evans    Israell        Elizabeth    1671    Sep    24   
3721    Gould    Grace    daughter    Gould    Richard        Joane    1671    Nov    8   
3722    Wats    Susanna    daughter    Wats    John        Joane    1671    Dec    3   
3723    Pasmoore    Nicholas    son    Pasmoore    John        Joane    1671    Dec    7   
3724    Glasse    Elizabeth    daughter    Glasse    William        Eliza    1671    Dec    26   
3725    Tapp    Robert    son    Tapp    William        Mary    1671    Dec    28   
3726    Smyth    Joane    daughter    Smyth    Robert        Richord    1671    Jan    2   
3727    Squire    Charles    son    Squire    Charles        Joane    1671    Jan    14   
3728    Burges    Henry    son    Burges    Michaell        Catherine    1671    Jan    23   
3729    Moorman    Mary    daughter    Moorman    Richard        Joane    1671    Jan    30   
3730    Locke    Michaell    son    Locke    Peter        Susana    1671    Feb    5   
3731    Slader    Willmot    daughter    Slader    Peter        mary    1671    Feb    8   
3732    Huxtable    Emott    daughter    Huxtable    Charles        Agnes    1671    Feb    13   
3733    Moyey    John    son    Moyey    John        Mary    1671    Feb    13   
3734    Gould    Nicholas    son    Gould    William        Grace    1671    Feb    18   
3735    Irland    Mary    daughter    Irland    Peter        Grace    1671    Mar    19   
3736    Blakmore    Thomas    son    Blakmore    Thomas        Joane    1672    Mar    25   
3737    Lawdye    Peter    son    Lawdye    John        Sarah    1672    Mar    26   
3738    Squire    Philip    son    Squire    John        Eliza    1672    Mar    30   
3739    Squire    Elizabeth    daughter    Squire    John        Eliza    1672    Mar    30   
3740    Moule    Margarett    daughter    Moule    Matthew        Elinor    1672    Mar    31   
3741    Allen    William    son    Allen    John        Prudence    1672    Apr    14   
3742    Thorne    Susana    daughter    Thorne    Charles        Joane    1672    Apr    14   
3743    Balmant    John    son    Balmant    William            1672    Apr    16   
3744    Thorne    Thomas    son    Thorne    William        Elinor    1672    Apr    25   
3745    Locke    Willmot    base daughter            Locke    Gunet    1672    May    12   
3746    Stonman    Sarah    daughter    Stonman    Jefery        Margarett    1672    May    23   
3747    Bradford    Joane    daughter    Bradford    Peter        Edy    1672    May    23   
3748    Locke    William    son    Locke    John        Mary    1672    May    26   
3749    Halls    John    son    Halls    John        Joane    1672    May    27   
3750    Palmer    Joane    daughter    Palmer    Richard        Joane    1672    Jun    24   
3751    Locke    Robert    son    Locke    William        Elizabeth    1672    Jun    30   
3752    Squire    Elizabeth    daughter    Squire    William        Eliza    1672    Jul    30   
3753    Harris    Katherine    daughter    Harris    John        Martha    1672    Aug    25   
3754    Cottey    Elizabeth    daughter    Cottey    Gregory        Eliza    1672    Sep    3   
3755    White    Joane    daughter    White    Gilbert        Joane    1672    Sep    10   
3756    Stonman    William    son    Stonman    Henry        Prudence    1672    Sep    30   
3757    Thorne    Thomas    son    Thorne    James        Agnes    1672    Nov    20   
3758    Rooke    Richard    son    Rooke    English        Joane    1672    Dec    15   
3759    Rooke    English    son    Rooke    English        Joane    1672    Dec    15   
3760    Locke    Willmot    daughter    Locke    thomas        Joane    1672    Dec    22   
3761    Jones    John    son    Jones    William        Johane    1672    Dec    26   
3762    Squire    Philip    son    Squire    Charles        Joane    1672    Dec    29   
3763    Lawdye    Charity    daughter    Lawdye    Richard        Susanna    1672    Dec    30   
3764    Jones Thomazine daughter    Jones Owen     Grace    1672    Jan    17    lived at Maynard
3765    Loverton    Peter    son    Loverton    Peter        Petronell    1672    Jan    20   
3766    Mereyday    John    son    Mereyday    Roger        Margarett    1672    Jan    23   
3767    Ballmant    Agnes    daughter    Ballmant    George        Prescilla    1672    Jan    28   
3768    Treble    Alice    daughter    Treble    George        Alice    1672    Jan    29   
3769    Moysey    Mary    daughter    Moysey    John        Mary    1672    Feb    4   
3770    Passmoore    Philip    son    Passmoore    Richard        Margery    1672    Feb    16   
3771    Bray    Elizabeth    daughter    Bray    John        Joane    1672    Feb    25   
3772    Nott    Ruth    daughter    Nott    Thomas        Joane    1672    Mar    2   
3773    Stephens    Grace    daughter    Stephens    John        Prudence    1672    Mar    4   
3774    Day    Nicholas    base son            Day    Elizabeth    1672    Mar    9   
3775    Shopland    Elizabeth    daughter    Shopland    Christopher        Grace    1672    Mar    11   
3776    Locke    Elizabeth    dau    Locke    Peter        Susana    1673    Mar    26   
3777    Buckinham    Roger    son    Buckinham    William        Elinor    1673    Apr    1   
3778    Hunt    Mary    daughter    Hunt    John        Mary    1673    Apr    8   
3779    Gould    Johane    daughter    Gould    John        Anne    1673    Apr    22   
3780    Viccarye    George    son    Viccarye    Christopher        Willmott    1673    May    4   
3781    Clogg Lettice    daughter    Clogg    Roger        Anne    1673    Jun    2    of Twitchen
3782    Moule    William    son    Moule    Anthoney        Grace    1673    Jun    15   
3783    Tucker    Richard    son    Tucker    John        Anne    1673    Jun    17   
3784    Chapplman    William    son    Chapplman    Emanuell        Petronell    1673    Jun    24   
3785    Locke    Nicholas    son    Locke    Nicholas        Grace    1673    Jul    9   
3786    Zeale    Johane    dau    Zeale    John        Dorothy    1673    Aug    12   
3787    Hunt    Andrew    son    Hunt    Andrew        Joane    1673    Aug    17   
3788    Irland    John    son    Irland    Peter        Grace    1673    Aug    17   
3789    Hawten    William    son    Hawten    William        Joane    1673    Oct    14   
3790    Bright    Judeth    daughter    Bright    Daniell        Mary    1673    Oct    14   
3791    Squire    Roger    son    Squire    John        Johane    1673    Oct    21   
3792    Purchase    Anne    dau    Purchase    Nicholas        Johane    1673    Oct    21   
3793    Gould    Grace    daughter    Gould    William        Grace    1673    Nov    5   
3794    Willshire    George    son    Willshire    William        Margarett    1673    Nov    9   
3795    Berry    Mary    daughter    Berry    Alexander        Eliza    1673    Nov    23   
3796    Berry    Rachell    daughter    Berry    Alexander        Eliza    1673    Nov    23   
3797    Viccarye    Margarett    dau    Viccarye    John        Richord    1673    Dec    21   
3798    Moorman    Joane    dau    Moorman    Richard        Joane    1673    Dec    24   
3799    Locke    William    son    Locke    William        Johane    1673    Feb    10   
3800    Locke    Mary    daughter    Locke    George        Joane    1673    Feb    17   
3801    Locke    Prudence    daughter    Locke    thomas        Johane    1673    Feb    22   
3802    Lawdy    Susana    daughter    Lawdy    Richard        Susana    1673    Mar    1   
3803    Burges    Michaell    son    Burges    Michaell        Katherine    1673    Mar    3   
3804    Smyth    susana    daughter    Smyth    John        Johane    1673    Mar    22   
3805    Wisman    Joane    dau    Wisman    William        Margery    1673    Mar    22   
3806    Squire    Michaell    son    Squire    Michaell        Mary    1673    Mar    22   
3807    Palmer    Jane    daughter    Palmer    Richard        Joane    1674    Mar    31   
3808    Shopland    Michaell    son    Shopland    George        Joane    1674    Apr    30   
3809    Watts    Mary    daughter    Watts    John        Joane    1674    May    10   
3810    Gould    Elinor    daughter    Gould    George        Grace    1674    May    19   
3811    Davye    Thomas    son    Davye    Thomas        Joane    1674    Jun    28   
3812    Ballmant    Joane    daughter    Ballmant    John        Mary    1674    Jul    7   
3813    Mylton    Thomas    son    Mylton    Thomas        Anne    1674    Jul    13   
3814    Hunt    John    son    Hunt    John        Mary    1674    Jul    28   
3815    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    John        Joane    1674    Aug    2   
3816    Huxtable    Joane    daughter    Huxtable    Charles        Agnes    1674    Aug    11   
3817    Locke    Mary    daughter    Locke    Henry        Anne    1674    Aug    13   
3818    Blake    Joane    daughter    Blake    Christopher        Anne    1674    Aug    25   
3819    Viccarye    Charity    base daughter            Viccary    Johane    1674    Sep    20   
3820    Locke    Agnes    daughter    Locke    Charles        Joane    1674    Oct    6   
3821    Allen    Sarah    daughter    Allen    Thomas        Elizabeth    1674    Oct    20   
3822    Shopland    William    son    Shopland    Christopher        Grace    1674    Nov    23   
3823    Charden    William    son    Charden    William        Urith    1674    Nov    22    of Mesl__
3824    Bray    John    son    Bray    John        Joane    1674    Dec    30    archer
3825    Viccarye    William    son    Viccarye    Christopher        Willmott    1674    Jan    19   
3826    Allen    John    son    Allen    John        Prudence    1674    Feb    2   
3827    Squire    William    son    Squire    William        Elizabeth    1674    Feb    23   
3828    Viccary alias Pullam    Hugh    son    Viccary alias Pullam    Hugh        Mary    1675    Apr    5   
3829    Meare    Joane    daughter    Meare    Robert        Joane    1675    Apr    5   
3830    Locke    Elizabeth    daughter    Locke    William        Elizabeth    1675    Apr    18   
3831    Warren Henry    son    Warren    Henry        Mary    1675    Apr    25    of Bishops Nympton
3832    Locke    Mary    daughter    Locke    Nicholas        Grace    1675    May    20   
3833    Pulsford    Agnis    daughter    Pulsford    William        Grace    1675    Jun    20   
3834    Thorne    Joane    daughter    Thorne    Charles        Emolin    1679    Jul    8   
3835    Pasmoore    William    son    Pasmoore    John        Joane    1675    Aug    3   
3836    Davy    Grace    daughter    Davy    Robert        Mary    1675    Aug    10   
3837    Bright    Judeth    daughter    Bright    Daniell        Mary    1675    Aug    10   
3838    Lee    Mary    daughter    Lee    Charles        Joane    1675    Aug    12   
3839    Abbott    Joane    daughter    Abbott    Robert        Joane    1675    Sep    14   
3840    Tucker    Christopher    son    Tucker    John        Anne    1675    Sep    23   
3841    Williams    John    son    Williams    John        Christian    1675    Oct    5   
3842    Moorman    Elizabeth    daughter    Moorman    William        Joane    1675    Oct    12   
3843    Zeale    Stephen    son    Zeale    John        Dorothyu    1675    Oct    19   
3844    Rew    Thomas    son    Rew    John        Mary    1675    Oct    31   
3845    Goss    Joane    daughter    Goss    Roger        Petronell    1675    Oct    31   
3846    Harris    Martha    daughter    Harris    John        Martha    1675    Nov    3   
3847    Vellacot    William    son    Vellacot    William        Penticost    1675    Dec    13   
3848    Moule    Michaell    son    Moule    Michaell        Margery    1675    Jan    25   
3849    Lawdy    Thomas    son    Lawdy    Richard        Susana    1675    Feb    22   
3850    Thorne    Michaell    son    Thorne    Michaell        Elizabeth    1675    Feb    22   
3851    Hawten    Joane    daughter    Hawten    William        Joane    1675    Feb    29   
3852    Loverton    John    son    Loverton    Peter        Jane    1675    Mar    7   
3853    Locke    Joane    daughter    Locke    William        Joane    1675    Mar    7   
3854    Locke    Christopher    son    Locke    John        Mary    1675    Mar    14   
3855    Buckinham    Mary    daughter    Buckinham    William        Elinor    1675    Mar    21   
3856    Treble    Agnis    daughter    Treble    George        Alice    1675    Sep    7   
3857    Mooreman    Robert    son    Mooreman    Robert        Joane    1675    Oct    17   
3858    Bondstone    Willmoth    daughter    Bondstone    John        Willmoth    1676    Apr    7   
3859    Slader    Michaell    son    Slader    Michaell        Jane    1676    Apr    9   
3860    Gould    John    son    Gould    William        Grace    1676    Apr    18   
3861    May    Joane    daughter    May    Phillip        Anstice    1676    May    1   
3862    Moule    Matthew    son    Moule    Matthew        Elianor    1676    May    4   
3863    Moule    Susanna    daughter    Moule    Anthony        Grace    1676    May    15   
3864    White    Mary    daughter    White    Gilberd        Joane    1676    May    16   
3865    Thorne    William    son    Thorne    John        Joane    1676    Jun    15   
3866    Meredith    Elizabeth    daughter    Meredith    Roger        Margarett    1676    Aug    10   
3867    Gould    Samuell    son    Gould    Samuell        Mary    1676    Aug    12   
3868    Locke    Charles    son    Locke    Charles        Joane    1676    Oct    9   
3869    Balmont    Elizabeth    daughter    Balmont    George        Precilla    1676    Oct    16   
3870    Shapland    William    son    Shapland    George        Joane    1676    Nov    14   
3871    Moreman    Anne    daughter    Moreman    Richard        Joane    1676    Nov    21   
3872    Huxtable    Grace    daughter            Huxtable    Emling    1676    Dec    10   
3873    Huxtable    John    son    Huxtable    Richard        Katherine    1676    Dec    20   
3874    Vicary    Joane    daughter    Vicary    Hugh        Mary    1676    Dec    20   
3875    Crange    John    son    Crange    John        Joane    1676    Dec    21   
3876    Thorne    Emling    daughter    Thorne    Charles        Emling    1676    Jan    16   
3877    Squire    Joane    daughter    Squire    Samuell        Dorothy    1676    Jan    27   
3878    Barrow    Grace    daughter    Barrow    Abraham        Rebekah    1676    Feb    4   
3879    Huxtable    John    son    Huxtable    Charles        Agnis    1676    Feb    13   
3880    Pulsford    Grace    daughter    Puls    William        Grace    1676    Feb    13   
3881    Smyth    Joane    daughter    Smyth    John        Joane    1676    Feb    14   
3882    Leigh    Joane    daughter    Leigh    Charles        Joane    1676    Mar    13   
3883    Locke    John    son    Locke    Thomas        Johane    1677    Apr    3   
3884    Locke    Mary    daughter    Locke    Thomas        Johane    1677    Apr    3   
3885    Pincombe    Mary    daughter    Pincombe    Thomas        Agnis    1677    Apr    8   
3886    Locke    John    son    Locke    John        Mary    1677    Apr    18   
3887    Avery    Samuell    son    Avery    Samuell        Johane    1677    Apr    16   
3888    Cotty    Dorothy    daughter    Cotty    Gregory        Elizabeth    1677    Apr    23   
3889    Thorne    Mary    daughter    Thorne    Michaell        Elizabeth    1677    Apr     26   
3890    Locke    Susanna    daughter    Locke    Peter        Susanna    1677    Apr    29   
3891    Bright    Elinor    daughter    Bright    Daniell        Mary    1677    Apr    30   
3892    Bray    Archelas    son    Bray    John        Johane    1677    May    17   
3893    Mooreman    Joane    daughter    Mooreman    Robert        Joane    1677    May    18   
3894    Gould    Elizabeth    daughter    Gould    John        Anne    1677    Jul    26   
3895    Locke    Christopher    son    Locke    Nicholas        Grace    1677    Sep    4   
3896    Marsh    Robert    son    Marsh    Robert        Elizabeth    1677    Sep    9   
3897    Locke    Henry    son    Locke    Henry        Anne    1677    Sep    11   
3898    Thorne    William    son    Thorne    John        Margreate    1677    Sep    16   
3899    Ireland    Peter    son    Ireland    Peter        Grace    1677    Oct    2   
3900    Kingdon    John    base son            Kingdon    Thomzine    1677    Oct    16   
3901    Burges    Ann    daughter    Burges    John        Temperance    1677    Oct    27   
3902    Squire    Johan    daughter    Squire    Charles        Johane    1677    Nov    26   
3903    Blake    Katherine    daughter    Blake    John        Johane    1677    Dec    4   
3904    Stonman    Prudence    daughter    Stonman    Henry        Prudence    1677    Dec    26   
3905    Lawdy    Elizabeth    daughter    Lawdy    Mathew        Agnis    1677    Jan    13   
3906    Vellacott    John    son    Vellacott    William        Pentecost    1677    Feb    11   
3907    Gould    John    base son            Gould    Katherine    1677    Feb    24   
3908    Vickary    William    son    Vickary    Hugh        Mary    1677    Mar    7   
3909    Kingdon    Phillip    son    Kingdon    William        Christian    1677    Mar    12   
3910    Mooreman    Ann    daughter    Mooreman    George        Mary    1677    Mar    12   
3911    Zeale    Mary    daughter    Zeale    John        Dorothy    1677    Mar    12   
3912    Locke    Jane    daughter    Locke    William        Johane    1677    Mar    12   
3913    Harris    Martha    daughter    Harris    John        Martha    1678    Apr    21   
3914    Prayer    Mary    daughter    Prayer    Nicholas        Elizabeth    1678    Apr    21   
3915    Mole    Johan    daughter    Mole    Michaell        Margery    1678    May    14   
3916    Thorne    Thomas    son    Thorne    John        Joane    1678    May    21   
3917    Rewe    William    son    Rewe    John        Mary    1678    Jun    17   
3918    Lawdy    Charles    son    Lawdy    Richard        Susan    1678    Jul    28   
3919    Thorne    Peternell    daughter    Thorne    John        Margareatt    1678    Aug    16   
3920    Dennis    Elizabeth    daughter    Dennis    Edmond        Katherine    1678    Sep    22   
3921    Balment    William    son    Balment    John        Mary    1678    Oct    1   
3922    Shapland    Phillip    son    Shapland    Nicholas        Charity    1678    Oct    14   
3923    Slader    Anne    daughter    Slader    Michaell        Jane    1678    Oct    15   
3924    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    Charles        Embline    1678    Oct    29   
3925    Vickary    Joane    daughter    Vickary    Christopher        Wilmott    1678    Dec    15   
3926    Locke    John    son    Locke    Charles        Joane    1678    Jan    3   
3927    Smyth    Mary    daughter    Smyth    John        Joane    1678    Jan    6   
3928    Pulsard    Mary    daughter    Pulsard    William        Grace    1678    Jan    7   
3929    Goase    Andrew    son    Goase    Roger        Peternell    1678    Jan    14   
3930    Gould    Mary    daughter    Gould    Samuell        Mary    1678    Jan    21   
3931    Williams    James    son    Williams    John        Christian    1678    Jan    24   
3932    Gould    Henry    son    Gould    William        Grace    1678    Feb    4   
3933    Pasmoore    Robert    son    Pasmoore    Richard        Margery    1678    Feb    21   
3934    Davey    Johan    daughter    Davey    Michaell        Susan    1678    Mar    4   
3935    Thorne    Mary    daughter    Thorne    Michaell        Elinor    1678    Mar    23   
3936    Wolland John son Wolland    Gregory    Margreate    1678    Mar    23    of the parish of Burndon
3937    Kedwill    John    son    Kedwill    William        Margrett    1679    Apr    13   
3938    Thorne    Grace    daughter    Thorne    John        Joane    1679    Apr    14   
3939    Mooreman    Richard    son    Mooreman    Richard        Johane    1679    Apr    15   
3940    Loverton    Bartholomew    son    Loverton    Peter        Jane    1679    Apr    30   
3941    Mole    Phillip    son    Mole    Anthoney        Grace    1679    Apr    30   
3942    Marsh    Johane    daughter    Marsh    Thomas        Mary    1679    May    20   
3943    Burges    John    son    Burges    Michaell        Kather    1679    Jun    24   
3944    Marsh    William    son    Marsh    Robert        Elizabeth    1679    Jun    24   
3945    Bright    Daniell    son    Bright    Daniell        Mary    1679    Aug    19   
3946    Mole    George    son    Mole    Mathew        Ellen    1679    Sep    23   
3947    Squire    Samuell    son    Squire    Samuell        Dorothy    1679    Sep    30   
3948    Crange    James    son    Crange    John        Johane    1679    Sep    30   
3949    Stoman    Margrett    daughter    Stoman    Henry        Prudence    1679    Oct    1   
3950    Lee    Emott    daughter    Lee    Charles        Johane    1679    Oct    14   
3951    Avery    John    son    Avery    Samuell        Johane    1679    Nov    11   
3952    Legg    Ismaell    base son            Legg    Martha    1679    Nov    11   
3953    Blake    James    son    Blake    William        Wilmote    1679    Nov    29   
3954    Tape    Michaell    base son            Tape    Mary    1679    Nov    30   
3955    Squire    Joane    daughter    Squire    John        Joane    1679    Dec    9   
3956    Blake    John    son    Blake    John        Joane    1679    Dec    10   
3957    Prayer    Elizabeth    daughter    Prayer    Nicholas        Eliza    1679    Dec    14   
3958    Hunt    Mary    daughter    Hunt            Mary    1679    Jan    4    widow
3959    Locke    Grace    daughter    Locke    Nicholas        Grace    1679    Jan    11   
3960    Davey    Anne    daughter    Davey    Henry        Elinor    1679    Jan    13   
3961    Hammer    Mary    daughter    Hammer    Richard        Joane    1679    Jan    13   
3962    Thorne    Joane    daughter    Thorne    John        Marian    1679    Jan    14   
3963    Vickary    Mary    daughter    Vickary    Hugh        Mary    1679    Feb    17   
3964    Buckingham    Christopher    son    Buckingham    William    Joane    1679    Feb    29   
3965    Vickary    John    son    Vickary    John        Richord    1680    Mar    30   
3966    Thorne    William    son    Thorne    John        Johane    1680    Mar    30   
3967    Huxtable    Wilmott    daughter    Huxtable    Charles        Agnis    1680    Mar    31   
3968    Johns    Thomas    son    Johns    Bartholomew        Agnis    1680    Mar    31   
3969    Allen    Thomas    son    Allen    Thomas        Elizabeth    1680    May    11   
3970    Balment    William    son    Balment    George        Prissilla    1680    Jun    5   
3971    Bray    Archelas    son    Bray    John        Johane    1680    Jun    5   
3972    Morrish    William    son    Morrish    Jerman        Elizabeth    1680    Jun    14   
3973    Slader    Margreat    daughter    Slader    George        Johane    1680    Jul    4   
3974    Hobbes    Elizabeth    daughter    Hobbes    Bartholomew        Rebecka    1680    Jul    12   
3975    Bushen    James    son    Bushen    James        Johane    1680    Aug    15   
3976    Locke    George    son    Locke    John        Mary    1680    Aug    17   
3977    Mole    Michaell    son    Mole    Michaell        Magery    1680    Sep    7   
3978    Locke    Joseph    son    Locke    William        Joane    1680    Sep    28   
3979    Locke    Mary    daughter    Locke    William        Joane    1680    Sep    28   
3980    Thorne    Alce    daughter    Thorne    John        Grace    1680    Oct    25   
3981    Locke    Agnes    daughter    Locke    Peter        Susan    1680    Nov    14   
3982    Davey    William    son    Davey    John        Anne    1680    Nov    16   
3983    Wates    John    son    Wates    John        Elizabeth    1680    Dec    5   
3984    Dendle    Johane    daughter    Dendle    William        Elizabeth    1680    Dec    9   
3985    Thorne    Ann    daughter    Thorne    John        Margreate    1680    Dec    16   
3986    Gould    Elizabeth    daughter    Gould    Phillip        Margreate    1680    Jan    11   
3987    Slader    Thomas    son    Slader    Michaell        Jane    1680    Jan    13   
3988    Moses    William    son    Moses    John        Mary    1680    Feb    15   
3989    Thorne    John    son    thorne    John        Willmot    1680    Feb    23   
3990    Pasmoore    Richard    son    Pasmoore    John        Joane    1680    Mar    3   
3991    Goase    Joane    daughter    Goase    Roger        Peternell    1680    Mar    7   
3992    Dee    Jonathan    son    Dee    Jonathan        Elizabeth    1680    Mar    8   
3993    Kingdon    John    son    Kingdon    William        Christian    1681    Mar    29   
3994    Thorne    John    son    Thorne    George        Mary    1681    Apr    1   
3995    Abbott    Robert    son    Abbott    Robert        Jane    1681    Apr    4   
3996    Zeale    Luther    son    Zeale    John        Dorothy    1681    Apr    10   
3997    Stonman    Elizabeth    daughter    Stonman    Henry        Prudence    1681    Apr    12   
3998    Thorne    Christian    daughter    Thorne    John        Margreatt    1681    Apr    24   
3999    Lawdy    Charity    daughter    Lawdy    Richard        Susan    1681    Apr    26   
4000    Williams    Johane    daughter    Williams    John        Christian    1681    May    10
Any material which you may wish to submit for the next issue of the newsletter (1st June 2020) concerning the Pincombe/Pinkham family needs to be submitted by the 15th of May 2020 and can be sent to:

Elizabeth Kipp (Editor)

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