Monday, April 6, 2020

Another isolation period likely longer than the last

Day 2 of Isolation but it is a different look outside. The snow is melting. No new snow on the horizon but still early in April. We could have more snow but less likely to stay; more likely to melt quickly. The ground is sodden; the spring flowers have pushed their way up through the now thawing ground. Spring or better known as Mud season has begun in good earnest. Frost on the grass this morning but the sunrise is promising. The trees are still silent but soon the budding will start. They stand stark against the sky this morning which is a lovely blue as the sun casts light so slowly ; it is sunrise and another half hour we may have a beautiful sunny day.

Last night we had our third meal from the beef, noodle, tomato casserole we made four days ago. In between we enjoyed some bratwurst sausage with beans. Meals are plain and simple and hot. I love hot meals. Tonight we will do beef patties and cooked mushrooms with potatoes and brussel sprouts for me and corn for my husband. We were going to do our tuna fish casserole but it lasts for three days and we will do that next and intersperse it a little with something different perhaps macaroni and cheese. I make my own and it is lovely. When I was a child coming home for lunch every day from school my mother used to make homemade macaroni and cheese until Kraft Dinner suddenly appeared. My siblings preferred Kraft Dinner but I prefer the homemade macaroni and cheese. Rich and creamy made with sharp cheddar (preferably two year old at least). Pair that up with brussel sprouts and you have a lovely meal (at least to me and I am the only one in this household that agrees with that).

Yesterday was fun; we didn't go anywhere and I think this stay-at-home order really suits me. I am a hermit by nature and staying at home is really a treat still for me. No shopping; no time spent in hardware stores looking at wood etc. Just hours and hours at home organizing my day around exercise, computer time for phasing DNA and watching the news on TV. Then there are the moments that we have with our children and grand children. It is a while now since we have been with any of our children or grandchildren (several months actually).

The rakes are at the ready and probably we can start raking the top of the back yard any day now. It is fairly dry. Then digging up all the flower beds and preparing them for bedding plants. Now that will be a challenge getting bedding plants; perhaps they can be delivered. Clearing away the snow fences and pruning the fruit bushes ready for their summer growth.

This will be a cleaning week as well. Usually we clean every other week but it takes three days to do; one floor at a time. Our house is not really all that big but the cleaning does take a lot of work. I only know one way to clean. Take it all apart and put it together; that way you get rid of all the dust.

Mother Nature at her best in the morning; the sunrise is beautiful and gradually spilling across the sky, I can see the sun now trying to peep above the houses. Will we ever understand Mother Nature. The First Nations people understand Mother Nature; they work in unison with Nature but their lives are very difficult because they can not control what happens on their own land. They should be able to do that. If they could I think they would be more amenable to having these oil and gas projects. It provides jobs for them and money for their children's future. But it does need to be on their terms and I am still very much in favour of them managing the pipeline projects. They will do it right and they have long term plans not affected by changes in government. Energy that is green is better but still there will be a need for oil and gas. It needs to be managed by people who care about the environment.

The world on the other side of COVID-19 needs to be a different place. We need to live in tune with Mother Nature or she will do it again. All things in Nature come from nature; all things are created in nature following evolutionary patterns. We need to appreciate that and live in tune with it.

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