Sunday, April 5, 2020

And the count begins once again

A new round of isolation and this is Day one. It is somewhat overcast today and was raining already but it is nearly 7 degrees celsius. The snow is melting rapidly now. Around the front of the house it will likely last until early May but the back yard is nearly free of snow. The snowdrops have been blooming for a week and the crocuses came out in bloom day before yesterday. Life has been almost too busy to notice that but we will enjoy the beauty of these tiny flowers sitting on the swing once it stops raining. The tulips are trying to come through the soggy ground and there is water everywhere. It is finally Spring in Canada better known as Mud Season/Flood Season. Our Canadian Army is at the ready for both the Floods and COVID-19. Last year was quite difficult in terms of flooding, time will tell how that goes this year.

Our Health Care system is straining but holding as COVID-19 takes over our lives and the lives of every Canadian. We will struggle through this together. Praying for the N96 masks soon to come. Spread out as we are in Canada within 100 miles of the border between the United States and Canada, distance has proven to be the biggest benefactor to the slow growth of the virus here. Where the big cities are so is COVID-19 and the nursing homes are bearing the brunt of the deaths.

We will try to stay isolated now for six more weeks having replenished our food somewhat. Not so much that we fear COVID-19 but rather that we are flattening the curve. Eventually I assume that we will get COVID-19 but at a time when it will not be a burden on the Health Care system. We do treasure our system here in Canada; just like we treasure Employment Insurance and all the other measures that help to keep people afloat during a crisis in their lives.

I must get back to working on the phasing project that I undertake once a year. It generally takes me several months to get through everything.

I see India has now banned the export of  hydroxychloroquine sulfate (a malaria and lupus drug that President Trump is convinced will defeat COVID-19). When and where will it all end?

Mother Nature created COVID-19 as all things have been and are created over time through the eons. I am a deeply religious person but testing my own DNA convinced me that evolution exists and is part of our history. It is Mother Nature who will in the long run control how we live; we need to always be aware of our effect on the world.

1 comment:

  1. Here from the A-Z. Wishing you safe and well during this time of hardship and suffering for so many around the world.

    Stay safe and well.
