Thursday, April 30, 2020

Rainy today

I have been working away at a project that finally came to partial fruition yesterday. My oldest daughter returned home from the United States. A little earlier than usual but with her asthma it seemed prudent to make her move at this time before businesses started to open up where she lives. Two flights, physical distancing on both and she was back. She is now in quarantine for two weeks. Getting a place ready for her to quarantine in was the biggest part of the project that we were involved in.

It is nice to have her home again. I have never been uncomfortable with her working in the States until COVID-19 and my initial feeling was that this is something that the United States could handle very well. With all their normal checks and balances in place they certainly would have. Since I do not live there I will not comment on their politics but I am praying for the best outcome for them. Their leaders have always been responsible people who cared deeply about the United States putting aside their own business interests for the good of the country in order to lead the entire country. Time will certainly tell how all of this plays out.

My accomplishment level has been rather low but will hopefully improve now. My husband has me rather concerned. He needs to have his hernia operation. He also needs to follow a stricter diet to help with his sarcoidosis. We will see how that goes today as he has an appointment with his specialist.

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