Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Seeds and bedding plants

Today we will try to find some seeds to plant. Still too early to plant but want to have them at hand. The bedding plants we should be able to order from our usual purchase place and they have seeds as well. But it would be nice to have the packages at hand of seeds.

I am thinking not seeing them everywhere could mean a lot of people are thinking of planting vegetables. On our walks we do see more people around their homes outside. The snow is all gone; not likely to have more than flurries now. Today looks to be a warm sunny day (i.e. perhaps mid teens celsius if we are lucky). Not beach weather by any means but then there are not that many really hot days in Canada. It may seem like there are in July and August but that warm period passes quickly.

It would be nice to sit out on the swing in the heat for a couple of hours. Great for arthritis for sure.

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