Saturday, April 4, 2020

Warm and Sunny - Definitely spring is here

Not counting isolation days again yet as we have one more order to pick up at the grocery store. This time we just drive in, open the trunk and in goes our order. We will see how that works out as it may well be the method by which we obtain food for the next eight weeks. We are in good shape with food; not oodles and I have rather peculiar tastes - love brussel sprouts, fish, cranberry juice, oatmeal and rye crispbread as well as multigrain bread. Not a great lover of a lot of meat but do eat some. But we actually found a tray of V8 juice with good sized cans (each one good for a glass each) that we picked up the other day. I prefer to eat the citrus fruits; including lemons. We seldom buy citrus fruit juice but we do buy a lot of oranges, lemons and limes. All of the imported food I can do without if the need arises. I do not mind eating frozen fruit, frozen vegetables and we produce all of that in great quantities. The food that crosses the border into Canada during the winter months is enormous; we help to keep the economies of many American states booming. Then the snowbirds going south to Florida, the south west and California number in the hundreds of thousands; keeping the economies of those states booming (think of all their money being spent here in Canada). Then we ship raw materials south and keep their factories operating. We really should encourage more native industry here; much more and hopefully that will be the gain of COVID-19; we will become self-sufficient so that we never again are faced with deficiencies in any of our needed goods.

I will always remember 9/11 as I was working at the hospital and we went to Disaster footing just in case we were needed to help New Yorkers. It is just a short airlift to get here and all of our hospitals along the border were more than willing to help if we could. We kept our airports open so that thousands of returning Americans had a place to land. Those planes were all beyond their point of return; they had to land somewhere and land here they did occupying all of our airports and the Maritimers took them into their homes because there simply was not enough room in the hotels for all of them.

Yesterday was a quiet day and not a great deal accomplished. I want to get back to Chromosome 2 once again. One wonderful piece of news; my parents now have a new great grandson. That makes eight great grandsons and one great granddaughter. I can see where they will likely have an even dozen great grandchildren or perhaps even more one never knows that answer for sure until it happens. I have heard or seen on Facebook all of my siblings except one over the last week or so. We range in age from 64 to 80 and so are in that vulnerable age subject to the whims of COVID-19. I last got together with all but one in 2018. It is a long trip to see any of them; one the one hand we have to go through Montreal or on the other hand we have to go through Toronto. We are enjoying those trips less and less as we grow older. Of course we could fly but we haven't given that any thought yet.

I will miss seeing family at Easter. Easter was always a big time in my family when I was a child and as an adult. It is usually around my husband's birthday so we tend to get together to celebrate then. This year though it will all be online.

Still managing 18,000 to 21,000 steps per day and most days doing 180 minutes of medium or high activity. It seems like a lot but my knee is certainly a lot better. It is doing well with all the exercises and now the running. Soon I will run around the backyard which will be a nice change from the basement.

We bought a Pokemon reader for our grandson but trying now to figure out how to print out a label online and put it in the mailbox to go to him. Not sure if that is doable or not.

Sunday we begin the calendar of Isolation again with Day 1. We will likely stay in Isolation now until mid May. I do not particularly want to have COVID-19 but I am not afraid to have it which is actually good. But I do want to be one of those people who is helping to flatten the curve. So we have kept ourselves at home except for a walk around the block and our trip to the grocery stores day before yesterday and again today except this is solely a pickup; we will wear our masks and do our usual of wiping down all the groceries when we get them home. Then that is it for our trips out and about except for walking although we may just walk around the yard once mud season is past as there will be a lot of work to do in the yards. This time of year tends to pass quickly for us as we are busy doing yard work.

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