Thursday, May 7, 2020

Busy spell - hard to believe in the midst of a pandemic

I am in the midst of a busy spell. Several emails on my past blogs have given me new information on a couple of Blake lines. I am busy delving into some of this information.

A new match on 23 and Me was also somewhat revealing with regard to of all things Chromosome 3. I did write to the individual but did not hear back. Hopefully I might as it would be rather handy to know more about his line.

Spring weather continues here but we are about to experience a polar vortex for a few days. It will be a chilly couple of spring days with perhaps a glimpse of snow on the weekend. It is still only early May so not a big surprise; it does happen!

The pandemic continues apace. A new discovery in France of the death of an individual in late December now testing positive for COVID-19 (fortunately a sample was kept). There is a need to find patient 0 but this takes its presence in Europe back to early December possibly and with all of the transfer of people back and forth between Europe and North American transmission here as early as then is highly likely. The world is truly linked and this Pandemic shows just how completely this linking has become. The need for monitoring the health of the world is paramount.

We have been watching a series on Netflix on Our Planet which has been most interesting. Prior to that we were watching Pandemic on Netflix which was a real eye opener. I feel sorry for Americans; their President has failed them terribly by his funding cuts to the Centre for Disease Control for the last couple of years. They have really been the backbone of American healthcare for a long time. Our Prime Minister has been outstanding with his handling of the Pandemic and he has left the medical side entirely to the professionals letting them do the task for which they have been trained.

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