Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Seventh cousin contact

I had a marvelous email from a seventh cousin in England. He and his wife had visited Lund and Kilnwick in the East Riding of Yorkshire (ERY) and verified all the information on the Cobb family plus more information taking the family back officially another generation. Elizabeth Cobb was my 3x great grandmother married to Robert Gray who was a farmer at Holme in the Wolds, ERY. Their son Robert Gray, junior, was my 2x great grandfather and he emigrated to Canada in the early 1830s with his brother William Gray. I have written quite a bit about Robert in my blogs.

The world is certainly a small place when someone reads my blogs about the Cobb family a couple of thousand miles away and then writes to add to that information. I shall put all the new information into another blog once I have assembled it. One wonders if COVID-19 will have people looking at their genealogy and becoming more involved with genealogy.

My ocular migraines have returned for a bit so I will spend less time on the computer even than I have been spending on it.

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