Friday, May 22, 2020

Catching Up and Downsizing

With my husband home I am busy catching up on some things that I have forgotten to do in the outside world. Plus we are downsizing once again. Everything that goes out the door and doesn't return is a good thing. Our children do not want all of this stuff that is for sure. We have enjoyed it so now we do need Diabetes to start picking up once again but I suspect that might be a while.

I have whittled down the books once again and we have about six boxes ready to go. We have given a large number of boxes to the Library at one of the Native Reservations south of us here. Maybe we can find a home for these books there as well. We will see about that. Otherwise Diabetes does pick them up also. We are starting to have empty bookcases which is great news. We still have far too many bookcases and my genealogy takes up a large bookcase which was never meant to happen but I did acquire books over time. I did give a good sized box to the OGS/BIFHSGO Library and as time passes I will give them more if they want them. I have a good collection on British history through the years and did thin it out a little but most of those books I still like to have.

I did not yet get back to my Newsletter. I need a block of time when I am not doing anything else to complete it. Right now the garden needs my time and yesterday I moved about ten wheelbarrow loads of black earth onto the gardens. I need to work all of that in and then we can plant the peppers, tomatoes and romaine lettuce. Our seeds are still absent; Canada Post is delivering them at some point in the hopefully near future. We want to grow an entire row of Sunflowers for the birds to enjoy in the Fall. It was fabulous having a number of cardinals swooping down in eyesight to capture the sunflower seeds last fall. They managed to strip several heads in just a few days.

COVID-19 still with us. All the hype about a vaccine may or may not come to fruition. Time will tell. We have never found a vaccine for the common cold; one of the best known coronaviruses.

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