Thursday, May 21, 2020


Now we are into the gardening, moving the rest of the first bag of dirt onto the side gardens and will plant the tomatoes, peppers and romaine seedlings. Still waiting for our seeds to arrive. May plant the onion sets that we have on hand (I bought too many as it turned out) and when the seeds arrive will plant the rest of the onion sets in that seed order.

Have to decide where to plant the zinnias and snapdragons plants. But that isn't a rush nor are the vegetables actually. Frost is still a danger here until early June.

Nice to have my husband home again. He is slowly getting more and more active around the garden. We haven't ventured from home yet together. I am still out and about doing the shopping with my mask on.

Warm air and hopefully it will last for a while. June can be stubborn though with cool days sometimes. The polar vortex can slip down into Ontario and surprise us.

My days have become chaotic and busy. The pleasant routines of the quarantine are gone for a while. I always enjoy the Fall and Winter because I can hibernate once again and work away on my project. Hopefully I can finish the Newsletter soon.

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