Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Husband is home again

My husband is now home again as of yesterday. My newsletter did not yet get completed although mostly so. It will take a while for him to be as mobile as he was but he is making a great beginning at that.

Today we moved most of a big bag of dirt onto the front lawn and gardens. The front lawn has needed a refreshment of earth and we will add some seed just to help the grass work its way through the fresh dirt. The garden needed to be worked up after the winter. It is always the last area to be worked on as it is the last spot where the snow stands. However it is several weeks now since the last of the ice melted. Already many of the hosta have worked their way through to the surface and the Starry Solomon Seal is going to have a tremendous summer. The primrose has managed to survive after all and all four different colours are blooming brilliantly.

We had the first asparagus of the year from the Farm. It is absolutely beautiful this year, thick and tasty. I got three batches as we will likely eat it every day for a few days just to savour the goodness of the first vegetables of the land. We wait a long time for our vegetables to come on and these were most delicious.

All in all a good day but we are still living with COVID-19 and no solution yet in sight. The traffic is busier. When I drove to the farm to pick up the asparagus there was probably twice as much traffic as a week ago. I am driving most days these days as it will be awhile before Ed feels up to driving again or even going out shopping. I actually quite enjoy driving.

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