Friday, May 15, 2020

Meeting today with hospital group

Edward is managing better and today at 1:00 we meet with the hospitalist, social worker and Ed via Microsoft Teams. We, myself and daughters will be on the call as well. We will learn the next steps in care for him. I am glad his 77th birthday was so much fun albeit all online but he loved seeing the boys and our youngest daughter and son in law and then we ate dinner with our eldest daughter who was self-isolating in the States where she works. Everyone made a cake (so a three cake birthday) and Happy Birthday many times with our youngest grandson leading the way and singing the entire song for his beloved grandfather.

The primrose are blooming. Winter was very hard on these plants much more used to the British Isles climate where it doesn't sit at minus 20 celsius for days with no snow cover. But they have managed to build up their leaves and finally bloom somewhat later than usual. The yellow are abundant, the rose are coming and the white I can see there will be blooms.

There are two large bags of earth in our laneway now. A large portion of one goes to the front yard where it has never been quite the same since it was dug up a couple of times. We will fill that back up and seed it. That will be our first step. Then the rest of the earth goes in the back. First build up the vegetable and flower gardens and then the rest to build up the lawn where it has grown thin since the last time we added earth.

Overall it was a harsh winter; perhaps that is in tune with the harshness of our environment at the moment. COVID-19 is still with us and predicted to be with us for a while. Globally 4,018,342 are infected (increase of 82,514 over yesterday), 278,756 deaths (increase of 4,101 over yesterday), and recovered 1,363,698 (increase of 44,392 over yesterday). In Canada 67,702 infected (increase of 1,268 over yesterday), 4,693 (increase of 124 over yesterday), and 31,249 recovered (increase of 843 over yesterday).

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