Monday, May 11, 2020

My husband

My husband was too tired yesterday after all to go shopping but I did that instead. He is weakening but his spirit is strong. I have not mentioned that he has sarcoidosis of the lung and liver (confirmed by biopsy) and the drugs have abated it somewhat. He is on a new drug regimen which will hopefully enable him to get some of his strength back.

I haven't heard from the renovation person yet but do dearly want to get the railings in for him. I think we need to look at a chair lift as well. Will see what I can find out about that tomorrow. The midst of a pandemic is a difficult time to make renovations possibly. Not sure how that will work out.

I watched Michelle Obama in "Becoming" this evening with Edward. I am not that much in to looking at American politics but she did a wonderful summary of her life in the White House; her upbringing and how she brought that with her to the White House and it was an excellent movie.

Another night under the polar vortex and then it looks to be improving.

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