Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Polar Vortex still with us

Just 1 degree celsius outside at the moment but it is sunny, 13 degrees celsius is promised for later today. Lucky that we did some gardening during that brief "warm" spell that we had a couple of weeks ago. The top of the ground is frozen once again but the flowers are still cheerfully trying to open and share their colours with us.

Yesterday was a day of contemplation and that continues into today. My thoughts not yet ready to put down on paper so to speak.

My oldest daughter comes out of quarantine today and that will be nice - fourteen days is a long time from arriving at the local airport to finally be back in the bosom of your family. She normally lives with us for the summer months and hard to tell that might be a long summer this year well into the fall. Depends on COVID-19. Her teaching has been on-line for quite a while although the occasional on-site class but in general her University does on-line teaching. Makes it easier I expect in farming states to have that kind of access and lets everyone have a chance to go to university. She is eager to get started at gardening but the frozen ground will make that a bit difficult for a little while.

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