Saturday, May 2, 2020

What will the children want

I find myself pondering what will the children want most when they finally get to live their lives again. Will it be going to school? Will it be the playgrounds? Will it be seeing their friends? Will it be their grandparents, their cousins, their aunts and uncles? No ideas on that really. It will probably be a different combination for every child.

Now that the children have had to give up so much I suspect they will be the driving force behind change. They will not want to repeat this isolation time after time. We need to live in tune with Mother Nature. Mother Nature is always a cruel taskmaster. The hurricanes, volcanoes, tsunamis testify to that. She molds the earth to her own perfection and will not be moved from that very rapidly.

We had occasion to drive past my grandmother's old house about twenty years ago and I was shocked to see that the grounds were overgrown and the house looked very run down. She must have been weeping in Heaven looking down upon it. Perhaps it was the tears that brought it back because driving by it five years or so ago it was restored to its beauty as I remember it. The lawns carefully trimmed and the house with a fresh coat of paint. I could not see the backyard but likely it was once again a beautiful place. The wildness is Mother Nature at her best I rather think and the crispness, the controlled nature that we put on her is easily overrun and removed by her whenever she has the ability to arise and take charge.

One of the most formidable lines in a show that I can recall is "Nature will find a way" and that was in Jurassic Park. I think it is one of the truest statements in our lives - Mother Nature will always find a way to save herself. As we sit huddled inside wondering when we will emerge again, I suspect we will have to find a way to live with Mother Nature or she will be put us back inside once again. I think the children will understand that better than us likely.

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