Sunday, May 3, 2020

When does it all end

I think that might be the mistake people are making thinking about when does it all end. We have to think of it as a beginning. A gradual re-opening of everything that we knew that is good; that benefits society and the world that we live in. I have been quite pleasantly surprised at how well Premier Ford is handling this major crisis in our lives. I have, until the early 2000s voted  conservative. I voted for McGuinty here in Ontario and the initial result was really quite excellent but like most politicians "absolute power corrupts" and so I did become quite disappointed in the long run although some of the laws he enacted and proposals that he made were excellent. But he destroyed the initial run at e-health which was an important program; it should have been assigned to someone who knew what they were doing not a patronage appointment and so it failed at a time when we could have made great inroads into that possibility. Now e-everything is very important. In the long run he failed Ontario and ruined the Liberal party. But still some good things were brought in by Wynn later undone by the present Premier.

But people are sometimes reborn in a real crisis and Premier Ford is one of those people. I do not agree with his thoughts on gun control other than there are better ways to use the money. I think that we do not need guns that rip objects to pieces; you certainly can not hunt with one to put meat on the table for your family. They are useless and the money better given to the poor as Minimum Income a project dear to my heart. Anyone who owns one is denying food to a child as far as I am concerned.

The invention of guns has done nothing for our society and never will.This from a former gun owner (a pistol long since surrendered to the police for destruction) and I continue to stand by that idea. There will never be enough guns to defend us from an external invader. If they can get here from somewhere else out in the galaxy than we are pretty much at their mercy. However, I will listen as guns are defended but not rapid repeating guns in a civilian society; that is just a waste of wind. NO party advocating for such guns in the hands of civilians will ever get my vote. There are too many children butchered by such guns in my lifetime; there are too many adults but especially the murder of children is a heinous crime and anyone doing that should be shot dead with no mercy.

It isn't when it all ends; it is when it all begins. We have an opportunity to begin again and we should seize it with both hands and change our lives for the better.

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