Saturday, June 20, 2020

Life Style Changes

I am hoping that losing the Security Council rotation seat will result in our no longer trying to win it. I do not, in the long run, see any benefit in our winning. We turned a permanent seat down at the founding of the United Nations Security Council why do we concern ourselves now with this particular group? We need to stick with the message that we are a democracy; a country for the people and that we will continue to be that. We need to spend more money here at home working with under privileged communities that call Canada home. There was no real gain for us in having the seat given that the United States has a permanent seat. No one is going to believe that we will do other than vote as they vote. In the past that was true anyway; we tended to walk lock-step with the Americans right up to the end of the 1900s. Although we did not go to Iraq with the coalition as a people we still  believed that Saddam Hussein was unfaithful to the people of Iraq and he a cruel dictator there; he was betraying them and squandering their wealth. The attack on the World Trade Centre was an attack on our way of life as well; it was an attack on democracy; equality of men and women and quite a few other things. At the time, I probably thought we should have gone as I think back but I also saw the Prime Minister's (whom I did not vote for actually) point of view at that time. The United Nations had not supported the idea and we accepted that vote. In another year the vote could have been different; we will never know but had it been in favour then we would have committed I am convinced of that.

So a Change in Life Style is needed by our government with regard to Foreign Affairs. We need to stick with our democratic beliefs; our belief that men and women are equal; our overwhelming opinion that racism is wrong and that white privilege has to somehow find a way to extend that privilege to all peoples regardless of creed or colour so that it is no longer white privilege but rather the rights of all peoples in the world to be able to pursue education, jobs, the place that you live in and the ability to walk down a street without being queried just because you are non white. For the record I am 100% British descent with my youngest relative born in England in 1904 (my father). I do not have any Ancestry that is non-British Isles other than French, German, and Scandinavian. The French is Huguenot, the German and Scandinavian are extremely ancient. For the good of the world we need to see all people as having a right to the pursuit of happiness so long as no one is injured by them.

How does this actually affect me; I am not a person who goes in marches or writes long messages on Facebook or Twitter to express my views? Probably the only result is to make the point that I dislike racism; I have always treated people the same no matter the race to which they belong. I am a hermit at nearly 75 years of age. I seldom go anywhere other than organized meetings; I avoid friendships plus I already have a huge relative base and I do not get beyond that base in my daily routine. I never will as I age the desire to communicate with my own is all that interests me! I actually do not correspond very frequently with any of my siblings.  I have made friendships with some of my husband's relatives and with my son-in-law's family but other than that I am exactly as I was as a child. I am polite although somewhat tempered by how I am treated (I can be withdrawn around people that I discover are actually negative towards me and that sometimes takes a while as my autism does sometimes leave me with a mistaken impression of people's intention). Hence I now avoid friendships. I prefer to put my time into beneficial things like the Church (and that included my husband's United Church where I was asked to be a volunteer secretary which did prove interesting although when the job became a paid position I declined as I was committed already to a paying job that suited me (my Church commitment is my gift to God)). The Church which I firmly believe in or my preferred volunteer commitment as a Patient Partner in research grants are my primary interests. Other than that I stick strictly to my family which is rather large. Genealogy is a hobby which I do follow when time permits and I have made a number of wonderful family acquaintances worldwide with all the DNA testing. It is fun to chat with a fifth cousin or hear from a fourth cousin who lives in Australia and wants to share something new and exciting with me. Or some of my second and third cousins (I do not have any first cousins).

It is 32 degrees celsius outside. A very warm day today; we distributed 8 bags of garden soil earlier today when it was a mite cooler. But other than that we are inside where it is cool.

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