Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sunday service

Sunday again; the Lord's Day. My Bible Reading today quite grabbed at my heart strings. I think the biggest fear I have is of God's retribution and the greatest love I have is for Almighty God. It is a different kind of love though; not an earthly love.

The Bible Reading for today (Psalm 139: 1-19):

The Lord Is Always Near

You have looked deep
into my heart, Lord,
   and you know all about me.
You know when I am resting
   or when I am working,
and from heaven
   you discover my thoughts.

You notice everything I do
   and everywhere I go.
Before I even speak a word,
   you know what I will say,
and with your powerful arm
you protect me
   from every side.
I can’t understand all of this!
Such wonderful knowledge
   is far above me.

Where could I go to escape
from your Spirit
   or from your sight?
If I were to climb up
to the highest heavens,
   you would be there.
If I were to dig down
to the world of the dead
   you would also be there.

Suppose I had wings
like the dawning day
   and flew across the ocean.
Even then your powerful arm
   would guide and protect me.
Or suppose I said, “I’ll hide
in the dark until night comes
   to cover me over.”
But you see in the dark
because daylight and dark
   are all the same to you.

You are the one
who put me together
   inside my mother’s body,
and I praise you
   because of
the wonderful way
   you created me.
Everything you do is marvelous!
   Of this I have no doubt.

Nothing about me
   is hidden from you!
I was secretly woven together
   deep in the earth below,
but with your own eyes you saw
   my body being formed.
Even before I was born,
you had written in your book
   everything I would do.

Your thoughts are far beyond
   my understanding,
much more than I
   could ever imagine.
I try to count your thoughts,
but they outnumber the grains
   of sand on the beach.
And when I awake,
   I will find you nearby.

How I wish that you would kill
all cruel and heartless people
   and protect me from them!

A psalm, by David for the music leader.

Today I shall once again attend Church remotely. It is nice to be back at Church on Sunday even if remotely. It is what is truly in your heart that matters.

Wonderful rain first thing this morning. The garden, freshly cultivated, sucked up all that rain so quickly. The thirst of the earth is great.

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