Monday, July 20, 2020

Off to the Dentist today

I am off to the Dentist today for my twice yearly teeth cleaning. It is actually the correct date which is surprising given what we have just and are still passing through. COVID-19 has changed our lives so much and yet this stays much the same for me anyway; perhaps not for everyone.

I listened to the senior Research Scholar at John Hopkins today on CNN and like so many both inside the United States and outside here in Canada mourn for the United States as so many wage a horrific battle to save lives; to control an untamed pandemic. It is just so unlike the United States; normally the CDC is so much in control of all aspects of such a happening with the blessings of the President and the rest of the nation. As we watch sadly from our perch to the north of the United States; I can only feel great sorrow for her people.

I find that I feel as hesitant as I felt at the middle of February in terms of being around people. That will not change for me for a while. I lived through the polio epidemic in London, Ontario as a child and saw some of the terrible results of that epidemic. This is so so much worse. But there I learned to fear swimming pools; being around people; traveling on the bus and so many other things. This will be hardest on the children as they have to live their whole lives with the memory of this pandemic. It is and will alter their entire lives as the learning cycle is interrupted. They will catch up; they will excel but the cost to their psychological makeup will be great. On the one hand the family bonding that this has created for so many families is a good thing. But they need the best ideas that we can come up with to help them to live  and learn in a world so affected by COVID-19.

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