Friday, August 14, 2020

Blake Newsletter is in the process

A good start on the Blake Newsletter yesterday and will work away at that today as time permits. Another busy day with trips to the drug store and grocery store. It is amazing how much of a day one can spend doing errands. 

COVID-19 dominating headlines once again as CDC warns about a possible 200,000 American deaths by Labour Day. It is unbelievable really. Normally our neighbours to the south are in complete control of their country and everything in it. 

 COVID-19 worldwide there are 20,936,041 confirmed cases (increase of 311,725 over yesterday), 759,844 deaths (increase of 10,423 over yesterday) and 13,006,841 recovered (increase of 175,041 over yesterday). Here in Canada we have 121,234 confirmed cases (increase of 390 over yesterday), 9,015 deaths (increase of 9 over yesterday) and 107,553 recovered (increase of 405 over yesterday). 

We are in the easy time for us here in Canada. Our crops are producing and food is very plentiful. Our workers who come in to work the harvest are less and less infected with COVID-19 as the outbreaks there diminish rapidly. But soon our Fall season will come with its killing frosts and we must then import food from our southern neighbour or live on cabbages, carrots and onions although our hydroponic industry is growing rapidly but still we are a nation of 38 million people. We need to be importers of food for at least six to eight months of the year. The future has a certain scare level to it for sure in terms of food. We must become more self-sufficient; that will be our gain from COVID-19. No more will we permit larger companies in the United States to buy up our smaller companies; we must support local companies and not think that we are a unified economy across North America. There may be other Presidents like the present one who think only of the United States and not of the North American economy; we must protect ourselves.

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