Saturday, August 15, 2020

Saturday Summary

 I did not accomplish as much as I would have liked to this week but on the other hand I did start the Blake Newsletter and that is a step in the right direction. I will try to work at the Newsletter again today. 

Another bright sunny day and promise of a warm one once again. We are now half way through August and this month like the last couple has flown by. Mother Earth has yielded forth her bounty and continues to do so. The green trees and green grass that surround us are testament to that. We have decided to let the racoon or which ever animal likes our cucumbers to have them. They are way at the back of the yard. Which reminded me that I was going to water the tomato plants this morning. Back from that adventure and discovered that one of our giant sunflower plants had succumbed to some animal chewing through the large stem possibly to get at the sunflower on top not sure of the process but it is lying on the ground now with just three feet of stem standing. 

I am amazed now that we have collected as much as we have out of our garden. We do have an army of squirrels though who work on the Black Walnut tree next door. They do love those nuts that is for sure. They are a busy crew. 

As the week ends I am thinking about next week which will begin with my Sunday Service which has arrived in my inbox. Then Monday is cleaning day and I will vacuum the main floor and upstairs. This alternating the basement and then the upper floors is working very well. It just means that one week is light and one week somewhat heavier but doable. Trying to do everything in one week was proving to be too much for this nearly 75 year old although my daughter helps me quite a bit but she is busy teaching right now. My husband has done a little vacuuming once again. He is getting stronger; so nice to see that.

I hope that we can get back to my husband's story this week as well. I do not have anything scheduled meeting wise for my patient partner projects but might have a little work there to do. Time will tell. It is something that I am really enjoying.

COVID-19 still with us. This is a dreadful period for the people in the United States, our neighbours. The states right along the border with us are suffering because the border is still closed. Many many Canadians usually go south shopping and attending various venues but none of that is happening and they are feeling the pain of that loss of income south of the border. Hopefully all of that will resolve one of these days but with the pandemic running so high there we can not risk it. It can take just one super spreader to bring a city to its knees once again. Our testing is in high gear these days and the percentage positive very low. We need to keep it that way because winter is coming and our flu season combined with COVID-19 could overwhelm our hospitals. We must be very very cautious. 

We have always looked out for each other Canadians and Americans helping each other during fire season, winter and summer storms that bring down hydro and heavy floods that submerge roads and homes. That friendly back and forth has been a great asset to our friendship. Having to develop a "me first" attitude is unusual for Canadians as we tended to think North American in our outlook. Time will tell what happens there. Prayers are with the Americans fighting COVID-19 and prayers for those who have lost loved ones with now over 168,000 Americans dead from COVID-19. It is absolutely unbelievable in a country that has been so forward in their medical care with the CDC so prominent in fighting anything that happened within the US borders.

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