Friday, August 21, 2020

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter Vol 5, Issue 3, 2020 published

Another Newsletter published although I am no longer posting them to my blog; they are on the FT DNA website in the Pincombe-Pinkham project. The next Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter is due the 1st of September. In between I may be able to complete the H11 Newsletter which was due the 1st of August but could also do it in September. Will see how the time goes. 

Lots of rain yesterday and the grass is a beautiful green field. It is a very pleasant sight. Another busy day planned as I want to give the kitchen a "spring cleaning." All the outside work leaves me not doing all the inside work so it will be nice to have a catchup day. There is not a lot to do outside these days. Plants just have to do their growing and producing and then the frost will inevitably come and end all of that. It will be a relief to me to have the frost come this year for sure. I love winter. The mounds and mounds of crisp white snow surrounding the house and in the yard. It is like a picture postcard all winter long. 

Today I also hope to continue on with the H11 Newsletter that I started in May. Always good to have a started Newsletter to begin work. It will not be a very long one. There simply has not been a lot happening with H11 since the last Newsletter in February. 



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