Saturday, August 22, 2020

H11 Newsletter

Working away on the H11 Newsletter and there have been 23 new members since the last newsletter. H11 isn't rare there are millions of people out there with this haplogroup but it is but a fraction of H haplogroup (1-2%). It is primarily a European haplogroup (with migration to the Americas) but can also be found in Asia but less frequently except in Eastern Russia and some of the countries of the old Soviet Union that are part of Asia. The number of Russian members has grown substantially in the last five years. 

Sunday's Service has arrived in my Inbox ready for Sunday morning. Saturday is my look back day to see if I actually accomplished anything with regard to my thoughts about accomplishing items. A bit of a tongue twister but in reality I have published both the Blake and the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletters and H11 will soon go to press so to speak. Then back into my regular routine with the next newsletter on the 1st of September being the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter. My mind seems clearer these days as autumn approaches. I love the dog days of August; they tell me that fall is coming and then winter. Summer is too busy; too much heavy labour for this nearly 75 year old. I have diminished a lot of that labour this year and will continue doing that. Mind you the exercise is good for me but too tired by the end of the day is unappealing; a pleasant tiredness is fine!

This year we will have the lane way cleared by a snow removal company. We do have a snow blower but Ed can not run it and I am not even going to try. There will still be a little shoveling but not too much.

I have been driving pretty much full time now since May. Ed is getting used to my driving again; that is a really good thing! 

My mind is starting to think of the items I can start to prepare to work on this winter. My new patient partner project is underway as well. It will get top priority because in essence my real interest lies in the medical world and how I might be able to assist. 

COVID-19 still with us and worldwide there are 22,954,220 cases (increase of 365,203 over yesterday), 799,350 deaths (increase of 6,875 over yesterday) and 14,715,412 recovered (increase of 258,103 over yesterday). New cases still exceed recoveries. In Canada we are at 124,372 cases (increase of 499 over yesterday), 9,064 deaths (increase of 10 over yesterday), and recovered 110,648 (increase of 360 over yesterday). New cases are exceeding recoveries once again. Hopefully the areas that are increasing will soon get that under control.

Our neighbours to the south are still fighting COVID-19 with over a thousand deaths again yesterday. It is with sorrow that we watch the numbers increase in the United States. They have been our dear friend and neighbour through the years and to see them suffer like this is difficult.

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