Friday, September 18, 2020

Railing completed

Happy to say that the railing has been fully installed (a few minor touchups to stain the areas where the wooden plugs are) and I am pleased that it is now in place so that Ed can use it going up and down the stairs whenever he wishes to use it rather than his chair lift. The chair lift has made it possible for him to stay in the house though and will always be there if he needs to use it; feels tired etc.

Spent the rest of the day cleaning the house although I had blocked off most of the areas with rugs across the bottoms of doors etc. But still a lot of cleaning to get rid of sawdust. Usually clean on Monday/Tuesday for the main floor and upper floor but left it until the railing was installed. 

We had a good spring cleaning and throw away and now we are into fall cleaning and throw away. A surprising amount gets picked up by just putting it at the street line and people walk by and take it. A handy way to get rid of useable items that you are no longer using. We have a good sized box and an old TV for the next Electronics Waste Depot and hopefully one will come here in our area before winter. Our garage is actually getting emptier.

Our swing, now six years old , needs the awning replaced and I can not decide if I should just put it out to the street and get a new one or repair the awning. It is a nice solid swing so certainly worth repairing and could be done fairly simply. I shall make that decision before winter comes as it stores in the garage but actually does not take up much room as it fits in around a glass picnic table. 

The saga of fraud continues as I await Facebook returning the other three sums of money that were taken from me. Why do people commit fraud? Is it for the money? Is it for the joy of being able to do the fraud? I wonder if facebook expels people who commit fraud.

It was just 1 degree first thing this morning (celsius) although I did not see frost on the ground. Winter, I am happy to say, is definitely around the corner.

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