Thursday, September 17, 2020

Well sort of resolved

Never having been frauded before, I did not understand the process. The money returned is a temporary measure I learned. Today when I accessed my account as usual first thing in the morning there was a deposit from Facebook. Quite alarming to be honest that Facebook could still access my account. But it would appear that they have resolved one of the withdrawals and returned the money to me less $10 given the fluctuations in currency perhaps or they have charged me for the cost of removing and returning money to my account. I spoke to a TD rep (these people are great by the way) and he has put a stop on Facebook removing any money from my account but they can continue to return it until I have received the other three frauded amounts hopefully. 

It is amazing how detailed all of this can be really.

Today our new railing is going in. I was up at 6:00 to prepare for all of that. It took the fellow about ten minutes to remove the old railing which included cutting the metal spokes. I though it would take much longer. He is now installing the new railing. We have waited a bit for the railing so it will be nice to have it before winter. Ed is starting to do stairs again although the stair lift is always there if he is tired. But he could only do the basement stairs as our railing was loose at the top so not dependable. 

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