Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Resolved already

 I did my usual checking of my bank account today and discovered that the fraudulent activity had been resolved and my money returned to me. I feel very lucky to be honest. I guess if it was someone starving who did it one might increase their donation to things like the Union Mission (I actually did do that as my account was frozen so they would not have had their usual monthly donation). Not a whole lot but a couple more dollars a month. In this wealthy country I know we do have poverty but we also do have supports for people who need money so they do not have to steal. So thank you to my bank and much appreciated for such a quick resolution. 

I also went into facebook and added a more updated picture of myself to my account. I decided a while ago that it is better to have an online presence so that if someone is in doubt about an individual pretending to be me then my face is staring back at them with just a quick search of the internet. Fraud is truly a dreadful thing. 

Yesterday was a day of accomplishment outside as we continue to clear away for winter. That has such a wonderful ring to it. We are also set up for snow clearing this year. We do have a snow blower but it is large for me to handle and Ed will not be able to do that. We like where we live and have modified the house so that Ed can manage quite well in it. We will move one day but this is where we have lived for over 42 years and it suits us. Not so big that we find affording it a drain on our retirement finances but big enough that we can have our own space and perhaps one day have our grandchildren running through the rooms once again. 

Our pepper plants though in spite of being covered did have frost damage so the time of clearing away is coming quickly. I may pull some beets today and cook them for dinner. Our carrots have finally grown a little but not doing really well under the shadow of the Black Walnut tree - that sounds like a story! The squirrels managed to climb the cages around the gladiolus and reach the sunflowers so a few of them had a tasty treat yesterday. The ever bearing raspberry bushes are yielding up their final crop. The tomatoes are slowly ripening now and there are a lot of green ones to make green chutney and will do that towards the end of the week.

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