Tuesday, October 13, 2020

28 days in modified Stage 2

We return to Stage 2 somewhat modified. We started this new regimen the 11th of October and will be finished (if we bring our numbers down) on the 7th of November. We are not supposed to go out except for daily exercise, grocery shopping or other essential travel. That shouldn't be too hard for us as that is how we are actually living at the moment. 

Lots of gardening accomplished yesterday and will put in another day like that today if the weather permits. I would like to just have the leaves after today and a few plants to trim back that are still green at the moment so deserve a little more time to conserve energy for the winter. All that is left in the garden are carrots (not many) and dill. Both will be completed today. The grass looks great; fresh and green still. 

We have someone coming for six boxes of books for a book sale (in the future I suspect) and all of the Loyalist material that we collected plus all of Ed's talks, pictures, booklets that he and George Anderson produced for the Loyalist Trips. Another large bundle including four boxes and other material. Sad to see the books go but also happy to have them find a new home. We still have a lot of books. But anything of value in a broader way that we collected; especially older items will be gone by the end of the year. 

We did have a huge VHS tape collection most of which we gave to Doug and he enjoyed watching the many historical tapes that we picked up on our travels. They too have found another home thankfully as I did not want them back. 

COVID-19 is rapidly moving into countries now and the death rate is rising. The largest proportion of the population is about to enter into fall and winter with all of the flu germs that come our way. It will not be a very pleasant time unless COVID-19 can be tamed.

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