Monday, October 12, 2020

Thanksgiving Day Service at Church

 Sunday was such a beautiful day. The weather was a perfect Fall day. The Church Service was well planned and I brought my Hymn Book to this online service and so sang "We Plough the Fields and Scatter" which is one of my favourites. Church was one of the many items that my brother Doug and I had in common although he was much more involved in the last few years than I have been in terms of tangible presence. Church was a big part of his life but it always was for our family when we were children. Even when I stayed with my grandmother we went to Church except my aunt, uncle and grandmother went to the United Church and my grandmother knitted for the Salvation Army. She made so many beautiful baby outfits that were sent to the far reaches of Canada. 

All the memories of my life as a child tend to flood back into my mind during the Church Service. It is a very pleasant time for me remembering us all as children. 

In the afternoon we cleared away more of the garden preparing for winter. Not really my choice to work on Sundays in that way but the work needs to be done and it suits the rest to put in a few hours every day at the task and I tend to be a good group worker. It is good to see that we are nearly ready. The biggest leaf fall is to come once the maple tree in our yard and the black walnut tree in the yard next door drop their leaves. We are looking at ten bags likely of packed in leaves to the curb in the next couple of weeks. Then we are ready for winter. This year we have a snow clearing company to do our laneway. Looking forward to that. Digging out the end of the laneway after the plow has been through is a task that I would rather leave to someone else these days!

All in all a beautiful Thanksgiving Day although technically that is today but we ended up enjoying Thanksgiving all weekend by cooking our Thanksgiving meal on Saturday. We ended up not watching too many shows on the television. Still too much to do for that but winter is coming and then we will have more time.

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