Sunday, October 11, 2020

Are all middle children loners?

With the loss of two older brothers I am no longer that middle child I always was; I have only my older sister and then a younger sister and two younger brothers. But I will always be a loner for the most part. Ed and I have worked together these past 54 years as a married couple. Mostly we have had the same interests and ambitions. We have traveled a lot over these 54 years and accomplished more than I would have imagined in terms of family history which became for Ed a driving force after his retirement. He has solved a lot of his ancestry brickwalls and is now in the process of writing it all up including his story and the story of his parents. He is the only one left from his immediate family except for his nieces and their family. 

We celebrated Thanksgiving dinner yesterday and it turned out very well. Almost exactly as usual with the roasted chicken, cranberry sauce, baked squash, baked potatoes, peas and gravy. Then pumpkin pie for dessert. We will have a movie marathon for the next two days (well maybe just one a day!) and eat leftovers. 

I am already for Church on youtube once again. I could do this forever actually. There is no desire to return to the Church building. I love my Church but the brick and mortar isn't what I love about the Church of Jesus Christ. It is the life that he followed and encouraged us to follow that I like.

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