Sunday, October 25, 2020

The new week begins

Sunday again. I have always loved Sundays perhaps for the peace that comes with Sunday; not sure why I just always have. It is minus 2 celsius at 7:49 and soon we return to Standard Time from Daylight Savings Time although there has been an effort this year to retain Daylight Savings. Not sure that is going to happen though. It is nice to come back to standard time when it is dark early in the evening and still dark in the morning. The darkness is comforting in the wintertime. 

Leaves are all gathered up. We will not likely do much more outside work except for our snow fence at the front. Worry Free is going to clear our snow away which will be a nice treat. I am getting too old to clear the ice from the end of the laneway when that happens.

My Church Service is in my Inbox and my week begins once again.

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