Wednesday, November 25, 2020

To do - 857 Emails

I have 857 Emails in my Inbox. Through the spring and summer into fall I tend not to be speedy in filing my emails into folders. There are some that I want to pay some attention to and others that I will delete but want to have some time to really think about that action. At least it is less than one thousand but it will take me a couple of weeks to clear them out. If anyone has been waiting for a further response to an email that may be forthcoming in December. December tends to be catch-up month for me. It is incredible how fast the past eight months has flown by considering we were on lockdown for some of it and partial lockdown for another month of that time. I do not have a lot of work to show for all of that time because much of it has been spent in looking after my husband. It is a full time job really being a caretaker for someone with his condition. I would say that he is stable but not being a doctor can not really state that as fact. He has good days and bad days in terms of side effects of his condition. But overall his mental attitude has stabilized which is perhaps the most important part of his health anyway. Physio has not happened for a couple of months now. He does benefit from it but the effort is too much at the moment. We continue to work on his exercises at home. Now that we are into winter likely most of our time will be spent inside the house or out on the patio as we keep that cleared. Having the snow removal company is great and we will think about expanding that to shoveling as well as the scraping done by the larger machines. I am strong enough likely to run the snowblower but I am not going to take that on. I would rather do the small amount of shoveling that is left. 

Another snowfall happening again today so our gradual buildup begins although we could still have a thaw time will tell on that. I like the snow though as it helps to control my day in that one cannot garden outside (which is not really my thing anyway); running outside is not overly practical at my age so I do that inside as I have for a number of years anyway and I am not a sun person in terms of spending hours getting a tan so winter suits me just fine!

Cleaning day again today as I did not accomplish as much as I thought I might have yesterday.

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