Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving Day

Although Thanksgiving Day is also a holiday here in Canada, the second Monday in October, the American Thanksgiving Day has gone around the world in particular for the day that follows which has become known as Black Friday everywhere. And why is it Black Friday - an interesting and historic mercantile statement. That is the day that businesses' books go into the black (i.e. start making money) and it continues apace until the end of the year. Although totally an American day until lately one sees Black Friday sales around the Globe including here in Canada. 

Traditionally we as a family have spent Thanksgiving together; we used to make the Great Trek to Southwestern Ontario every year to spend Thanksgiving with our families when our parents were still living. This year we did not do Thanksgiving together in the usual way. We did not do birthday parties together really although we did have a present opening session in the backyard earlier in the year but I do not really call that a Birthday Party! Just part of it; perhaps one of the best parts for the receiver but definitely lacks the finesse of a real Birthday Party. This year our Christmas thoughts are slowly scaling back as we realize that once again we must be strong and do this by Skype. My husband's illness makes it particularly poignant. One hopes that everyone will scale back and beat down this pandemic once again. The vaccine is coming; we just need to be patient for a while longer. 

Happy Thanksgiving to America; may the day be all that is possible.


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