Sunday, December 13, 2020

Dark in the morning

As the longest night approaches; it is now dark in the morning when I awaken. Gray and overcast anyway today but the sun is now up and the new day open us. It is Sunday and I have my Church Bulletin in my inbox. I am enjoying my Church once again and probably I could have been doing this for the past fourty years equally enjoying it. It is a while since I have been out of step with my Church. I think some of my list of wants would be baptism for all comers; no jumping through hoops just welcome people to the altar on one Sunday of the month and bring their babies; children and grownups to be baptized. That is what Jesus would do I am fully convinced. 

I have a few other thoughts which includes the wine in Communion; use the money to buy medicines for countries who do not have the money to do so or will not provide for the poor in their midst. Especially during this pandemic providing vaccine to all is a must. 

I am slowly getting ready for Christmas. I have not really done a good job of it this year. I just couldn't seem to get it all done in my mind. It took me ages to actually observe what I had purchased but keep thinking that next year I will do better with Christmas. We will have a quiet Christmas this year and I am looking forward to that. As time marches forward so will the availability of the vaccine and Canada will be free once again.

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