Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The snow is falling

Most of our earlier snowfall has disappeared and today we awoke to a covering of white fluffy snow. Perhaps this snow will stay and winter will begin. It has been fairly cold except for a couple of slightly above zero days (which melted the earlier snow). 

We will likely spend most of our winter indoors this year although on warm days when the sun is beating down in the morning we could go out on the back patio which is protected from the wind and it actually gets quite warm there (say minus a couple instead of 20 below!). Last winter I built up my walking in the back yard after injuring my knee. Eventually I was doing a hundred times around the yard. Perhaps we will do that again this year. 

No work done again although I might get a chance to think more about the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter which was due at the beginning of the month. 

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