Saturday, January 2, 2021

And the new year is well in now

Day 2 of the New Year and the second week of our lockdown continues. People are losing interest in a lockdown for sure. It is hard to follow the rules when you are young; the discipline of my generation has certainly not shown up abundantly now either as people head for the sunny south - can not imagine why as I loathe spending a lot of time in the sun. When you can have the long dark evenings why would you trade that for bright sunshine! Plus the winter snow is so beautiful and last night we had a decent snowfall so perhaps winter has truly come to stay with all the beauty of our surroundings covered with a thick layer of white perfection. I do love the winter although would rather be inside these days as my arthritis definitely doesn't like the cold weather.

I have high hopes on accomplishing a lot today. We will see ow the time passes.

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