Friday, January 1, 2021

New Years Day 2021

 Seventh day of lockdown, one week accomplished and perhaps our lockdown will end after 28 days so 1/4 of the way there. I just have one purchase that I want to make once the lockdown is over. A new set of curtains for one end of our kitchen. There is a blind on that window and I would prefer to have curtains. They are so much easier to manage than a blind and the blind we currently have is quite wide and has this annoying habit of making a squawking noise when you try to raise it. Not that I am prone to raising it; I actually prefer to have my windows covered somewhat - I find the sun very strong particularly coming in that window. I am never a sun worshipper at the best of times normally hiding under a towel on the beach. 

I do not generally make New Years Resolutions. Not because I can not keep them but rather I could never quite see the point in saving a resolution for that one day. I tend to make resolutions as I move through life and if I have resolved to do something then I generally do do that.

Already my Sunday Bulletin is in my inbox. Christmas just didn't let me really get at the services; that generally happens as I am busy doing everything that needs to be done to keep a family celebration on time and coordinated. I tend to do my prayers in the morning when I am quiet and alone. Although I miss going to Church I haven't been doing that for quite a while anyways. Once I discovered that I could tithe using PAR I have scarcely been back. I love going to Church but current events have completely changed my mind on how Church should be organized and managed. It is all about Doing What Jesus Would Do not a social club. I am not a very sociable person; although I try to be as polite as possible. But that isn't being sociable that is just following the rules your mother established at a young age and which you scrupulously followed in order not to annoy your mother! 

Coming from a family of seven children with two parents I just never got into the idea of being sociable. Although four of my girl friends were invited to my wedding I would not really describe any of them as girl friends in terms of a social interaction. They were just girls that I had known in some cases for many many years that my mother felt were my girl friends and hence they were invited. I actually had not expected any of them to come as their boy friends were not invited because I couldn't remember last names at the time and just never got around to asking them before the invitations were sent. But my husband was inviting his boy friends and my mother felt I should invite girl friends so there it was. When our daughter married I had absolutely no part in the arrangements other than going with them to see the location for the marriage and reception. I really enjoyed that. But on the other hand my mother really enjoyed planning my wedding and I let her do the entire event. I would have been happy to elope!

After marriage my husband did invite people over, occasionally he got me to invite people that he wanted to come, and I was a most gracious hostess and even cooked meals for guests but my heart wasn't in it. Making friends was the last thing in the world that I really wanted to do but my husband enjoyed having people around so I did help with that. I am a good helper for sure and we are married 54 and a half years now. I always wondered if we got along because I just wasn't invested in anything outside of marriage and then our children came along. When I thought about people outside of our home it tended to be my parents, my siblings, my aunts and my uncles and their children. Now at the grand age of 75 years I am busy looking after Ed as his medical issues mount. Hopefully he will plateau soon and can have some fun out of life for a while. 

All thoughts on New Years Day 2021 and now I must do some housework; it has definitely got left behind the last couple of weeks.

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