Monday, February 8, 2021

Out of the frying pan into the fire

Had to take Ed into Emergency on Sunday afternoon and he has another bout of cellulitis (I actually missed the beginning of this as I was looking at the what I now realize were very small marks from the heating pad that we are no longer using). He did not end up staying but came home with a prescription. But on the way to get his dressings changed Tuesday (today) on his arms (and that is another long story as he is plagued with very thin skin and it is easily broken and bruised) he collapsed on the front step and I had to call 911 to help me get him back into the house. They were very very helpful and the dressings were brought to me to change. Will try again on Thursday to get him to his appointment for the dressings to be changed (they have to be done every two days). I want to get a portable wheel chair for days when he is tired and a portable ramp from the door across the porch to the ground - a nice aluminium one. I have seen some nice portable wheel chairs so will look into that. That way when he is tired I can just wheel him out and get him into the car and use the wheel chair when I get to the appointment. Otherwise we have a walker in the car that he could also use if he wanted. 

So my week did not begin well but I am hoping it ends on a better note.

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