Saturday, February 6, 2021

Losing my nerve these days

I do have a nervous disorder and anything that upsets the equilibrium that I have somehow achieved in 75 years of living does tend to throw me off for a bit. I have this slightly morbid worry about heating pads and always recommended ice to my husband for aches and pains (use that myself as well). But heat was recommended to him for his physio and so I did give him a heating pad. I noticed today that he has some red marks where he was using the heating pad so have discontinued that. It is difficult looking after someone that cannot do things for himself as he once did. I only got the heating pad away by saying we would have to go to emergency to figure out the red marks if it wasn't the heating pad doing that. 

But all in all the week started out with me worrying and ends with me worrying about my husband and his care. I want to do the best that I can but probably my limits are starting to show. I do need to get my sleep and I have been up a couple of nights with him on my own. My daughter's back is feeling better so she is back to helping me again. The alternative is not good - long term care - as he prefers to stay at home. Hopefully this next week will be much better. I do tend to be optimistic


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