Friday, March 5, 2021

Cleaning completed - just one day late

 Cleaning completed for the week! Amazed that I have accomplished it. The new chair is fabulous and saving possibly as much as six or seven lifts a day. Once the hospital bed is acquired that saves a few more. Someone needs to invent a toilet that lifts a person up as well. Then there is the chair lift and that needs a way to get a person off at the top or bottom that doesn't involve lifting at all. But the few lifts that are left are more doable. I do want to have a better chair in the kitchen. It does need to have wheels but needs a locking mechanism so will have to think about that for a bit. Other than that we are settling into good routines. 

Blood work will be done at home for a couple of months and then we will see if we can manage trips out. The snow did defeat us ultimately but possibly just the cold and the lack of a ramp. The ramp is in the planning stages. Probably we really do not want to move and gradually this house continues to accommodate us as it always has. Ed and the girls went off looking at new houses in Chapel Hill years ago now but for one reason or another the three of them couldn't decide to move and so we have stayed in this house for nearly 43 years now. We are the ones who have lived on this street the longest now; everyone else eventually moved away. We were thinking as we looked out one of the front windows that when we first moved in we could see the Ottawa River! That was a long time ago now. 

Rest day tomorrow and Sunday and perhaps I will make it to Church this Sunday. That would be nice actually. I miss going especially now that it is on YouTube. Going downtown is just too time consuming unfortunately and I will not be doing that in the near future for sure even after COVID; I rather think we will have an after-COVID life.

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