Thursday, April 22, 2021

Another picture and mistake corrected

Although I have been attending United Empire Loyalists meeting with Edward for twenty years or more for some reason it had not really sunk into my brain that in using the designation of the Society one wrote UE not UEL. I have now had my error corrected on the Beechwood Site. In my moment of loss, I wrote his obituary and I think it is perhaps something one might write for oneself and will remember that for the future. Apologies to anyone who was offended by my error.

Another picture of Edward and this one can be dated as after June 1945 as he is now living at the house where he grew up in Princeton, Ontario on Church Street.


He was guessing that this picture was from 1946 when he was around three years of age. He is with his older brother who would have been eleven years of age. This was the home that he knew as a child and he lived there until he went away to University in 1962 in London, Ontario.

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