Saturday, April 3, 2021

Spring really has come

I walked around the garden yesterday to check out the blooms so that I could share that with Ed on our morning telephone call today. He was pretty busy though so will save it for later. He sounded stronger again today. I do wish he could be home. But he has to feel that we can all manage and he doesn't feel well enough yet to be here. It must be lonely in the hospital though on this long Eastern weekend although I have to admit there was a lot of quiet talking and movement in the background whilst I was talking to Ed. 

Yesterday he wasn't feeling well but today he said that really poor feeling had passed and he was feeling stronger and more determined today. He has a big battle to fight that is for sure and it is constantly draining his strength. 

I continue working my way through all of  his material and yesterday he wanted me to pull out all the Loyalist material (books, etc) so that he can give it to the St Lawrence Branch of the UEL. Just on three shelves I already have a box of books and will continue that quest. It is good to have direction as I  have not worked with Ed's families in a decade concentrating on writing up my own whilst he worked on his families. 

Today I found two good matches on 23 and Me with Pincombe cousins and another with a Knight cousin. Each one fits into the grand scheme of my families' DNA which is the direction that most of my research is traveling in these days. I have locations for most of my family lines back into the 1700s (just one great grandmother remains somewhat of a mystery but being my mitochondrial line I do have an ancient picture of her line with respect to the ancient maternal ancestor)  and earlier (as far back as the 1400s for a few of those lines).  So a little work getting done on my lines but my biggest concentration will be getting Ed's material organized to make it easier for him to downsize it to cousins or groups whichever is relevant.

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