Monday, May 17, 2021

Church on You-Tube

The singing was wonderful at Church yesterday. Three old hymns that I particularly love to sing and the sermon was particularly fulfilling. I was missing going to Church before You-Tube brought my Church into my living room. I love going to Christ Church Cathedral and I have been going there almost as long as I attended my childhood Church which was just around the corner from where we lived. I was married from my childhood Church but our children were baptized in the Churches that we were attending at the time. I used to go back Sunday morning early when we still lived in the area and go to Church with my father as he always attended early morning communion but I didn't go every week as Ed and I did attend Church near where we lived in London. We also attended a small country Church (Church of the Hosannas Anglican) at Hyde Park for a while after we moved to Komoka and our oldest child was baptized there. When we first married we went to Metropolitan United and sometimes St Paul's Cathedral but he really liked Metropolitan United so we went there mostly. I could always go to early morning Eucharist with my father or on my own to the Cathedral.

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