Monday, May 17, 2021

Edward Kipp 12 years of age

 Edward certainly looks happy in this picture. I always think it was his last year of childhood because he started to work in the summers when he was just 13 years of age. At this time he would go to his grandfather's home at Woodbury and help to chop and stack wood for the winter in his summers. He enjoyed it but I expect it was a lot of work for him. But he was a tall strong boy even at this age so probably a good workout for him as he was not into sports very much. He liked playing tennis but running or other team sports did not interest him. Interesting in later life he did need a pacemaker. When we were first married he did try running with me as I used to run a kilometer first thing in the morning after breakfast before heading to work. He found he just could not keep up the running even with us doing a low key approach with run five and walk five. So instead I gave up running in the morning and we walked to work which was about 2 miles; that he could do easily.  Instead I ran in the late afternoon!


 I never could get him to have a yearly physical even with my family doctor from childhood. Not sure why he didn't want to do that. When we moved here the local pharmacist recommended a suite of doctors to me when I was in to the Medical Centre looking to see if there were any doctors looking for patients in the building  the suite had several doctors but the receptionist for the doctor that we later attended said that since we spoke English we might like to have that doctor as the other doctor was French speaking; it actually didn't matter to me as I  could understand French although my spoken was somewhat broken. That doctor turned out to be Edward's third cousin (he told me that they shared 2x great grandparents) and I must admit to being rather hopeful that he might persuade Edward to have a yearly physical. He was pretty healthy but there were a couple of issues that I had noted and wondered about. He did indeed persuade Edward to have that yearly physical but in our 30s nothing was really showing up that could have warned us about the years ahead.  Fortunately Edward loved to garden, walk, bicycle, canoe, and lift weights which stood him in good stead for many years.

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