Friday, May 28, 2021

Ottawa Race Weekend

My daughters and I usually take part in the Ottawa Race Weekend. This year is no exception except we are all running in our own space and recording our time. There is an app that you can use but I can record it all with my Fit Bit so will just use their second choice. We have started our timing though and will run for five days and use our best time. This is a treat for a runner actually to be able to choose the time that you want to stand for the year! So far my best time for the 5K is 35 minutes and I think I can bring that down just a little. Not too bad for a 75 year old nearly 76 year old. Running has been in my blood as long as I can remember. I love to run and feel the wind through my hair. One of my favourite movies is "I run for my maker." There is something wonderful about doing things because of God and for God. God is always with us through all the trials and tribulations of life and in the joyful times. I try to make sure that I remember him whether I am sad or happy. 

Approaching June and I feel that by the end of June that all the books will be sorted, listed and passed on. The huge bookcases which have housed some of this collection will be donated or given away and also not in the house. They are huge (7.5 feet tall) and literally I felt surrounded by so many bookcases. We counted and still have 42 bookcases in this house and some of them are already gone so there were actually more. I have lost count through the years. Books kept coming in and being housed! When the large bookcases go we will be down to around 15 bookcases and I will eliminate more of them before we actually move. I grew up in a house dominated by books everywhere and there was always something to read on a rainy day if I hadn't been to the library and acquired even more books to read! But the hard cover book takes up a lot of space and so much is online now a days although there is a pleasant feeling to curling up in a comfortable chair with a solid book and whiling away an hour or two. 

Gradually things are coming together but still more to do. Listing the house eventually and then selling it, finishing the packing up and moving. Then buying another small house with emphasis on the small. I am looking forward to that change and the rest that will come with it. Still busy in physical activities but the mind will have a chance to recuperate. My nervous disorder is still dominating my health and wearing me down. Will be glad to have things in order once again and meditate myself back into a more peaceful existence.

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