Sunday, May 2, 2021

Welcoming Sunday

Yesterday we worked hard in the yard for maybe an hour or two. Building up to it slowly as we raked the front lawn to let the grass breathe. Then digging the dandelions out although I am more for embracing the dandelion but it doesn't take much time to dig them out as we do not have very many. I took down the snow fence and put up the small garden fence that enclosed the end of the front garden. Still waiting for plants to emerge before working up the flower beds. Thinking about the bedding plants to buy and that will be in a couple of weeks. 

May travels quickly but today is Sunday and I will attend Church once again on YouTube. I may do that the rest of my life. Being able to tithe by PAR means I do not have to be there to give the money to God which is His. I can go to Church from anywhere in the world and fulfill the promise of worshiping together. I know that God is my Refuge in times of trouble and in happiness. Jesus is my constant friend through trial and tribulation and all the good times. God bless and keep Edward close to you.

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