Sunday, May 2, 2021

Edward at Woodbury

We have a number of pictures of Ed and wood piles. At this age he stacked wood for his grandfather but eventually he would help with the cutting as well. He was a hardworking child and he liked to work with his hands. But by the age of six he was already saying he was going to go to University. I once asked him why he said that but he could not remember why but just that he wanted to go. His uncles had gone to University; one was a physician, another was a mill owner and the third was an accountant. His father had been a farmer. Due to having grand mal epilepsy he was home schooled his entire school career and going to University away from home was not likely an option. 



Huge smile on his face and he looks very content sitting on his grandfather's wood pile. We used to visit that farm (just drove by it on the highway) every time that we went to Princeton. After his grandfather and then uncle died we used to visit their graves in Burford Cemetery. The Kipp family was very large in that area.

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