Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Busy day yesterday

Yesterday was a really busy day. Today I plan to work on the other side of the laneway to clear the bricks. That has become a usual task these past few years which we did together until a couple of years ago. My cleaning days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday so today is the main floor. Usually I get quite a bit of my work done in the mornings and can then have some time on the computer in the afternoon. 

There is still a lot to plan but I need my daughters and I to think about where to bury Edward and I. That is prominent in my mind in some ways; in other ways I avoid it because I am not yet ready to bury Edward. I can realize that in this modern era we do have the ability to choose which wasn't there for our grandparents. Their deaths were harsh and quick and the grief was more difficult as you did not have the luxury of time to absorb the loss. 

Still trying to make time to do the H11 subclades for the newsletter and hopefully by the end of the week.

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