Thursday, July 8, 2021

Blake Newsletter

The Blake Newsletter for 1 July 2021 is in the thought process. I will likely publish it this month after all bringing me up to date with my newsletters. H11 Newsletter is due 1 August 2021 and it is again just a two to three pager with thoughts of the reader added in when received by me. 

My escape from reality for the week or so has been good for me. Coming to terms with my new status of widowhood has been a struggle and will probably continue to be. We still miss Edward very much and that will continue. He would not have wanted us to mourn him a long time but he was a big centre of our lives and scarcely will a day go by that I will not think that he would have liked to have seen this or that. He just had so many interests so many hobbies so much energy and zest for life. 

Today is we hope a book moving day. We will take eight boxes of books that will join the many boxes of books that Edward already gave - his National Geographic collection. He started to buy the journal of the society shortly before we were married and continued right up until a year or so ago . Since he went online reading it I am not actually sure when he stopped. I did not generally read the journal from cover to cover as he did. I did read them when we were first married as my father had also subscribed and they were part of my growing up years of reading. I think he owned pretty much every book they published through the years and it is nice to know that they are being enjoyed by others now. 

We have another three boxes or so that we will take to the Salvation Army. They are older children's books and some may actually be of value so will be glad to donate those to the Salvation Army. I know that I could have gone to book collectors but I like the idea as did he of donating to the Salvation Army so that these items are available to everyone and if there is any extra value in a book here and there then as an agency they do a lot of good in the world and the donation of such items would be his wish very much. 

Our next load to the Salvation Army will be the camera equipment and old cameras which he collected and did not give to the Princeton Museum. He used to drop by their shop to find old cameras on a somewhat regular basis so now he will return all of that material and another collector can add them to their collection. 

I often think one person who had a strong influence on Edward's life was Jamie Gosse. He was the Minister at Orleans United and died quite young. Edward was Treasurer at the time and they did chat on occasion. Jamie's sudden death at 37 years of age shocked him. I think it does make you take measure of your life and decide what is important. Jamie did not get to do all the things that he had talked about and Edward changed just a little bit to include more things that he really wanted to do and was thinking in the future he would do that but he added them into his already busy life at the time. He loved to be very busy. At retirement he discovered that he could be very busy just working away on his many hobbies since I was still working. His days were full; I could tell that when I came home and he would tell me what he had done in the day on various items even in the depth of winter. By the time I retired he was settled into a very busy life full of things he wanted to do and kept adding to them but now we could really travel to all those repositories/cemeteries etc etc and we did!

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