Sunday, August 8, 2021

Church in our lives

I am loving attending Church on YouTube and suspect that I will attend as long as it continues to be broadcast.  I see the reason that the Church was founded as being: to protect widows and orphans, feed the hungry, clothe the poor and care for the sick; help those who are less fortunate than we are. It is also our way of glorifying God and His creation of Mother Earth providing us with a home and indeed our very existence. My role in all of this was to serve and that I did do in my younger days although did always wait to be asked to serve in particular roles. I am not one to volunteer. I prefer not to be in the midst but rather peripheral to everything but I am always willing to assist or even to run things if needed. But at nearly 76 I do not take anything on. My twilight years are with me now. 

Looking around I have a great deal to do still. The yards need care but my strength only goes so far. I am still downsizing and it is a slow process. Finding new homes for Edward's favourite possessions is something I am committed to doing and to publish the research he had not yet published is also paramount in my mind. 

But today is Sunday and I am off to Church in an hour and it is just downstairs and turn on YouTube. I used to bike outside all around town but these days I bike in the living room. I used to walk/run for miles around town but now I walk around the house and yard.  Edward and I enjoyed biking to the Air Museum and taking a lunch with us and sitting along the River and eating before returning home. Sometimes we went all the way to Parliament Hill but not for about twelve years now. We used to walk in the Greenbelt which surrounds us here but not for about five years now.

We have lived in our home for over 43 years. Amazing really although in 1988 Edward did think about moving up to Chapel Hill but decided he liked it very well right where we are and so we have stayed. When I went back to work outside of the home in 1994, I preferred this location for sure as it is so handy to the bus and now the train once it is completed. When I was working at home from 1978 to 1994 (copy editing and proofreading) I preferred it here because it was so close to the highway and easy to get back and forth to work as I did still go in a couple of days a week just for an hour or two accompanied by one or both children depending on the time of year. They would bring along their books or projects and just work beside me. So moving was not a strong interest of mine. This place was big enough for all of us and cleaning it was a huge chore so didn't really want anything bigger but I just always tended to follow whatever Edward was doing and when he changed his mind I was quite content with that idea for sure! Moving would have been a huge upheaval so glad that that did not happen way back when. 

Olympics all finished and got to watch quite a bit. The closing ceremony was very nice. Paris 2024 sounds wonderful. We really enjoyed our times in Paris. We stayed in two different areas so got to see a lot of the old part of the City. I will always remember our bike taxi back from Notre Dame Cathedral in 2014. What a wonderful experience and the driver pointed out all the sites along the way along with guiding the taxi! 

Off to get ready for Church. 

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